Openmoko Bug #2112: 2008.8-updates down!

Openmoko Public Trac bugs at
Fri Nov 7 13:43:21 CET 2008

#2112: 2008.8-updates down!
 Reporter:  Paul Kremser <paul.kremser at>  |          Owner:  documentation
     Type:  defect                               |         Status:  new          
 Priority:  normal                               |      Milestone:               
Component:  documentation                        |        Version:               
 Severity:  normal                               |       Keywords:               
 Haspatch:  0                                    |      Blockedby:               
Estimated:                                       |    Patchreview:               
 Blocking:                                       |   Reproducible:               
 There is still al link on the Downloads page wich refers this as "the
 actual stable release" but the link is broken. Actually i got my
 freerunner since a week and i must say that our wiki wasnt such a big
 help, since it should be declared clearer what i can expect from wich
 release. In the table 2008.8 has a unstable flag at wifi and gprs but
 thats not true, it simply doesnt work. Im on Debian now, not handy but
 it works. And by the way, i didnt find a way to fire a bug so this could
 be explained, too.

 best regards and thx,
 paul kremser


 admin note: this bug was moved from [omadmin:ticket/1633]

Ticket URL: <> <>
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