Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume

Openmoko Public Trac bugs at
Thu Nov 27 09:25:10 CET 2008

#1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
 Reporter:  Rorschach  |          Owner:  openmoko-devel
     Type:  defect     |         Status:  new           
 Priority:  highest    |      Milestone:                
Component:  unknown    |        Version:  GTA02v5       
 Severity:  critical   |       Keywords:  wsod,resume   
 Haspatch:  0          |      Blockedby:                
Estimated:             |    Patchreview:                
 Blocking:             |   Reproducible:  always        

Comment(by Vladimir.Koutny):

 I've just found another way to reproduce a WSOD on backlight restore after
 a blank (ie, no suspend involved).

 All that is needed: enter QVGA (portrait) mode (I've opened #2136 for the
 color/banding issue, maybe it is related in the end?) and let the system
 (2008.9 in my case) blank the display (no suspend). On backlight resume
 there is a WSOD. This is under normal indoor conditions on a device that
 never had WSOD problems in VGA mode. Nothing in dmesg.

 In this state, I can get rid of WSOD by switching to VGA (and back); on
 next blank/resume the WSOD is there once again.

 One additional observation: in this WSOD, when I change the screen
 orientation a few times (keeping it in QVGA) I start seeing some of the
 graphics that should be shown (it is still more-less white but with a bit
 darker/yellowish pieces (ie, you can see the rotating * when you start
 something by touching the panel).

 This is with own build of mwester's stable kernel
 (833cda8ff04a0f45f02b70d0c3f61c0a4305e3c8) and own build of the rest via
 mokomakefile (I can get exact version if needed).

 Device info:
 hw-revision: GTA02A6 (EU version)
 serial#: 8A8906520
 datecode: 20080925

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