September 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Sep 1 00:53:04 CEST 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 18:26:29 CEST 2008
Messages: 1050
- Openmoko Bug #1024: gsm modem oscillating between registrated / not-registrated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1024: gsm modem oscillating between registrated / not-registrated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1024: gsm modem oscillating between registrated / not-registrated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1024: gsm modem oscillating between registrated / not-registrated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1024: gsm modem oscillating between registrated / not-registrated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1024: gsm modem oscillating between registrated / not-registrated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1024: gsm modem oscillating between registrated / not-registrated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1074: Change Root Password
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1074: Change Root Password
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1158: Charging stops even while connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1175: Automatic ipkg kernel upgrade needs stricter sanity check
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1192: unknown reason cause TI GSM modem always return "+CME ERROR: 512"
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1226: Support USSD messages, e.g. for "remaining airtime" checks
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1244: Xglamo doesn't handle switch to landscape mode correctly (was: Swap orientation horizontal view not calibrated)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1244: Xglamo doesn't handle switch to landscape mode correctly (was: Swap orientation horizontal view not calibrated)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1244: Xglamo doesn't handle switch to landscape mode correctly (was: Swap orientation horizontal view not calibrated)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1244: Xglamo doesn't handle switch to landscape mode correctly (was: Swap orientation horizontal view not calibrated)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1244: Xglamo doesn't handle switch to landscape mode correctly (was: Swap orientation horizontal view not calibrated)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1244: Xglamo doesn't handle switch to landscape mode correctly (was: Swap orientation horizontal view not calibrated)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1250: No Wifi in Managed Mode
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1250: No Wifi in Managed Mode
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1250: No Wifi in Managed Mode
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1251: About Openmoko window outdated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1258: Consider some defconfig changes for busybox
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1263: hald memory leak
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1263: hald memory leak
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1267: Strong echo when calling a Neo from another phone
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1267: Strong echo when calling a Neo from another phone
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1294: Error building openmoko-devel-image on x86 env (do_rootfs)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1311: is required for oh-puzzle but is not built...
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1336: screen shifted and duplicated after resume in landscape mode
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1344: Kernel upgrade fails with GTA01 rootfs on SDHC
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1353: No sound after resume from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1353: No sound after resume from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1353: No sound after resume from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1357: breaks openmoko-feed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1357: breaks openmoko-feed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1361: 'opkg list' locks entire OS when no network connection is available
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1376: GSM does not respond to flow control
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1381: clicking at touchscreen borders confuses libSDL's mouse cursor
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1393: /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart doesn't work right
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1397: build failures: openmoko-appmanager2 and packagekit want libopkg 0.1.3
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1413: stage do_rootfs fails when running 'make qemu-local'
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1416: Compilation error on make openmoko-devel-image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1416: Compilation error on make openmoko-devel-image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1419: [splinter] Saved tag as same place will be overlap.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1442: Dialing through the headset does not working
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1442: Dialing through the headset does not working
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1442: Dialing through the headset does not working
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1473: Cannot send Email VCard out
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1473: Cannot send Email VCard out
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1473: Cannot send Email VCard out
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1474: Cannot send SMS VCard out
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1482: [oe]AUX bottom doesn't shine red light while charging
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1482: [oe]AUX bottom doesn't shine red light while charging
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1482: [oe]AUX bottom doesn't shine red light while charging
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1482: [oe]AUX bottom doesn't shine red light while charging
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1496: Messages: change "Back" button into "Searching" in search screen
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1496: Messages: change "Back" button into "Searching" in search screen
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1496: Messages: change "Back" button into "Searching" in search screen
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1505: when message copy(move) to other folder(Sent, Drafts, Trash), it does not show any progress bar.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1505: when message copy(move) to other folder(Sent, Drafts, Trash), it does not show any progress bar.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1522: Update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1522: Update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1522: Update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1540: Build adapter to allow 2007.2 telephony applications to use the FSO interface
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1541: Consider name change!
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1542: gps does not get fix
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1542: gps does not get fix
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1547: when create new message pressing Option menu is ugly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1547: when create new message pressing Option menu is ugly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1548: Test that adding a repository actually works
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1553: [Qtopia : send message] sometimes it shows "sending : 2 messages" even i sent one.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1554: [Qtopia : Contacts]when press option still will shows "save to contacts" even number already saved in contacts
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1560: [Qtopia-clock]sometimes can not see world map.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1562: 12 hour time format does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1562: 12 hour time format does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1562: 12 hour time format does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1567: cannot re-flash the debug board
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1568: Log in U-Boot through NOR Flash not working
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1586: Antenna show with signal, but can't make any phone call or receive call (no alert message)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1586: Antenna show with signal, but can't make any phone call or receive call (no alert message)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1586: Antenna show with signal, but can't make any phone call or receive call (no alert message)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1587: can not receive SMS often
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1591: SMS not decoded properly, gets truncated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1591: SMS not decoded properly, gets truncated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1591: SMS not decoded properly, gets truncated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1591: SMS not decoded properly, gets truncated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1591: SMS not decoded properly, gets truncated
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1597: after a long suspend time, kernel thread events/0 sits eating 30% cpu
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1597: after a long suspend time, kernel thread events/0 sits eating 30% cpu
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1597: after a long suspend time, kernel thread events/0 sits eating 30% cpu
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1597: after a long suspend time, kernel thread events/0 sits eating 30% cpu
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1597: after a long suspend time, kernel thread events/0 sits eating 30% cpu
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1597: after a long suspend time, kernel thread events/0 sits eating 30% cpu
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1599: Suspend / resume breaks audio
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1602: [Qtopia]shows up Alert message when enter SMS from Dialer (was: sometimes shows up some Alert message when enter SMS.)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1603: Device does not notice any Alert tone or vibration when new message arrived during calling.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1603: Device does not notice any Alert tone or vibration when new message arrived during calling.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1603: Device does not notice any Alert tone or vibration when new message arrived during calling.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1608: when make a call if press number manually it does not show name even the number saved in contacts
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1608: when make a call if press number manually it does not show name even the number saved in contacts
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1610: it can save as same name(duplicate), same number and same group name as well.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1610: it can save as same name(duplicate), same number and same group name as well.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1610: it can save as same name(duplicate), same number and same group name as well.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1610: it can save as same name(duplicate), same number and same group name as well.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1610: it can save as same name(duplicate), same number and same group name as well.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1614: Mediaplayer isn't able to play Ogg/Vorbis files
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1615: Busybox or Perl-Module-Cpan need a fix
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1619: [Installer]progress bar just stop and does not show Failed Alert messages if remove usbcable during downloading
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1619: [Installer]progress bar just stop and does not show Failed Alert messages if remove usbcable during downloading
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1622: bash -c crashes without $PWD
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1625: conman/wifi driver: can connect to wifi network only once
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1625: conman/wifi driver: can connect to wifi network only once
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1627: [Dialer] The bottom bar menu show "Mute" when incoming a call even setting slient or vibrate only
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1630: [Qtopia-Dialer]"holding attempt failed"Alert message show when press hold button in outgoing call Device which has prepaid SIM card.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1630: [Qtopia-Dialer]"holding attempt failed"Alert message show when press hold button in outgoing call Device which has prepaid SIM card.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1630: [Qtopia-Dialer]"holding attempt failed"Alert message show when press hold button in outgoing call Device which has prepaid SIM card.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1634: [Assassin]"Update"&"Uninstall" button didn't lock up while installing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1634: [Assassin]"Update"&"Uninstall" button didn't lock up while installing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1635: [Dialer] An outgoing call is not established (connected) but goes from the dialing state directly to disconnected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1639: Only some contacts off SIM displayed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1639: Only some contacts off SIM displayed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1639: Only some contacts off SIM displayed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1639: Only some contacts off SIM displayed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1639: Only some contacts off SIM displayed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1639: Only some contacts off SIM displayed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1639: Only some contacts off SIM displayed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1640: [Audio] Improve overall audio experience in ASU
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1640: [Audio] Improve overall audio experience in ASU
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1640: [Audio] Improve overall audio experience in ASU
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1640: [Audio] Improve overall audio experience in ASU
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1640: [Audio] Improve overall audio experience in ASU
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1640: [Audio] Improve overall audio experience in ASU
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1651: Incoming call tone has fixed repeat rate
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1651: Incoming call tone has fixed repeat rate
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1654: [illume] Manually showing and hiding the keyboard.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1654: [illume] Manually showing and hiding the keyboard.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1656: Bad A2DP performance
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1656: Bad A2DP performance
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1661: Unable to send saved tags by entering number (must have)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1661: Unable to send saved tags by entering number (must have)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1661: Unable to send saved tags by entering number (must have)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1662: [GSM] not working properly after x hours of usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1665: use dnsmasque for local dns caching
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1670: Battery life too short; phone should sleep
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1672: [matchbox-window] <defunct>
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1672: [matchbox-window] <defunct>
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1676: Something crash and the window switcher disappears
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1676: Something crash and the window switcher disappears
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1677: If application is closed the <unnamed> is shown in home instead of name of operator
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1677: If application is closed the <unnamed> is shown in home instead of name of operator
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1677: If application is closed the <unnamed> is shown in home instead of name of operator
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1690: Missed call cannot be marked as viewed, must be deleted to stop notification
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1690: Missed call cannot be marked as viewed, must be deleted to stop notification
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1691: [Qtopia] qpe crash happened after flash the new image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1694: gpe-scap fails to save PNG because of UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 conversion
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1697: [Battery] No Alert message when battery is low
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1698: [E-illume bar] time will changing after take off battery.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1698: [E-illume bar] time will changing after take off battery.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1698: [E-illume bar] time will changing after take off battery.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1698: [E-illume bar] time will changing after take off battery.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1698: [E-illume bar] time will changing after take off battery.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1704: [QT-Callscreen] Button are disappeared and Only shows Dialing number if Device get incoming a call when make a Outgoing call(before other side answer the call)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1704: [QT-Callscreen] Button are disappeared and Only shows Dialing number if Device get incoming a call when make a Outgoing call(before other side answer the call)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1704: [QT-Callscreen] Button are disappeared and Only shows Dialing number if Device get incoming a call when make a Outgoing call(before other side answer the call)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1705: [illume] animation on mousedown / application start at mouseup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1705: [illume] animation on mousedown / application start at mouseup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1706: [Installer] install package time out without warning message
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1706: [Installer] install package time out without warning message
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1706: [Installer] install package time out without warning message
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1713: neod consumes 8% cpu reading event3 (accelometer) constantly on gta02
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1716: [Package] add .edj decompiler/compiler as a package
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1716: [Package] add .edj decompiler/compiler as a package
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1716: [Package] add .edj decompiler/compiler as a package
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1716: [Package] add .edj decompiler/compiler as a package
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1716: [Package] add .edj decompiler/compiler as a package
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1718: python-pygtk programs don't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1718: python-pygtk programs don't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1718: python-pygtk programs don't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1718: python-pygtk programs don't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1718: python-pygtk programs don't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1718: python-pygtk programs don't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1720: Dialer : improvement : how to switch contact page
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1722: [GSM] should able to make a phone call in X minutes after booting up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1722: [GSM] should able to make a phone call in X minutes after booting up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1722: [GSM] should able to make a phone call in X minutes after booting up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1722: [GSM] should able to make a phone call in X minutes after booting up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1722: [GSM] should able to make a phone call in X minutes after booting up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1722: [GSM] should able to make a phone call in X minutes after booting up (was: [GSM] taking signal is too slow)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1722: [GSM] taking signal is too slow
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1722: [GSM] taking signal is too slow
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1724: [FSO] cannot input number or * or # while in communication
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1727: Hanging verifying the SIM PIN
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1727: Hanging verifying the SIM PIN
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1727: Hanging verifying the SIM PIN
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1727: Hanging verifying the SIM PIN
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1728: SMS parser bug?
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1728: SMS parser bug?
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1728: SMS parser bug?
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1728: SMS parser bug?
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1731: [opkg] opkg upgrade should "autoremove" unused packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1731: [opkg] opkg upgrade should "autoremove" unused packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1734: [settings] wifi show up "unknown"
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1734: [settings] wifi show up "unknown"
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1734: [settings] wifi show up "unknown"
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1735: [u-boot] get different screen.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1735: [u-boot] get different screen.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1735: [u-boot] get different screen.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1735: [u-boot] get different screen.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1736: [Boot screen] it goes into sleep and never wake up if not touch during booting
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1737: [e-illume icon] it shows no signal icon and signal strength is low too often.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1738: [Alert message in home screen] Crashed Alert message with vibration
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1738: [Alert message in home screen] Crashed Alert message with vibration
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1739: [settings] Profile will show up "unknow" message
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1742: [illume] even the WiFi is off, the icon is still there in illume bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1743: Intenso SDHC 4GB gives glamo errors
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1744: Bluetooth don't power up after suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1752: [Qt-keypad] when enter the passwords, it will show up the numbers on the keypad
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1757: [Qtopia] Is AT+CGML=4 retrying correct? (+CMS ERROR: 321 in response to AT+CMGL=4 (SMS errors?))
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1757: [Qtopia] Is AT+CGML=4 retrying correct? (+CMS ERROR: 321 in response to AT+CMGL=4 (SMS errors?))
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1759: [Qtopia : contacts] remove set group ringtone function
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1759: [Qtopia : contacts] remove set group ringtone function
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1760: [Qt-dialer] Can't really end up outgoing calls if the other side did not pick it up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1760: [Qt-dialer] Can't really end up outgoing calls if the other side did not pick it up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1760: [Qt-dialer] Can't really end up outgoing calls if the other side did not pick it up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1762: [illume bar menu] menu will hiding after qt-keypad when creating texts
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1766: [GSM Signal] no signal, can't make phone call but can receive calls
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1766: [GSM Signal] no signal, can't make phone call but can receive calls
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1766: [GSM Signal] no signal, can't make phone call but can receive calls
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1766: [GSM Signal] no signal, can't make phone call but can receive calls
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1766: [GSM Signal] no signal, can't make phone call but can receive calls
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1767: Enlightenment Error
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1768: MicroSD card not recognized
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1768: MicroSD card not recognized
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1768: MicroSD card not recognized
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1768: MicroSD card not recognized
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1768: MicroSD card not recognized
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1771: Booting fails: AR6000 problem
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1780: cannot add number in openmoko-contacts2
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1780: cannot add number in openmoko-contacts2
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1783: openmoko-messages segfaults immediately with a GTK error
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1783: openmoko-messages segfaults immediately with a GTK error
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1786: GtkButton inner_border theme change
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1786: GtkButton inner_border theme change
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1786: GtkButton inner_border theme change
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1786: GtkButton inner_border theme change
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1787: opkg crashes if PATH is unset
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1788: Maps - Please do not store offline data in /tmp
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1788: Maps - Please do not store offline data in /tmp
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1789: 2008.8 screen blanks and refuses to wakeup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1789: 2008.8 screen blanks and refuses to wakeup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1789: 2008.8 screen blanks and refuses to wakeup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1792: SMS not received properly during suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1792: SMS not received properly during suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1792: SMS not received properly during suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1792: SMS not received properly during suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1792: SMS not received properly during suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1792: SMS not received properly during suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1792: SMS not received properly during suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1793: Please do not suspend when USB (power) is connected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1795: 2008.8 Qtopia keyboard - missing keys
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1796: Xglamo does not open usb keyboard (/dev/input/event5)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1796: Xglamo does not open usb keyboard (/dev/input/event5)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1802: Suspend/resume corrupts SD card's partition table
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1802: Suspend/resume corrupts SD card's partition table
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1802: Suspend/resume corrupts SD card's partition table
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1802: Suspend/resume corrupts SD card's partition table
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1802: Suspend/resume corrupts SD card's partition table
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1803: Installer reports all package Download size as 0 bytes
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1803: Installer reports all package Download size as 0 bytes
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1803: Installer reports all package Download size as 0 bytes
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1803: Installer reports all package Download size as 0 bytes
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1803: Installer reports all package Download size as 0 bytes
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1803: Installer reports all package Download size as 0 bytes
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1803: Installer reports all package Download size as 0 bytes
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1803: Installer reports all package Download size as 0 bytes
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1809: buildhost builds incorrect qtopia-x11 image which is not ASU
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1814: Broken mplayer package dependenties
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1815: u-boot fails to detect sandisk 8gb microsdhc correctly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1815: u-boot fails to detect sandisk 8gb microsdhc correctly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1816: om-locations-map-pack freezes the Freerunner
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1816: om-locations-map-pack freezes the Freerunner
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1817: Creating map packages for Locations
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1818: SMS doesn't send when network coverage restores
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1818: SMS doesn't send when network coverage restores
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1818: SMS doesn't send when network coverage restores
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1820: [Keyboard] add manual keyboard for switching through options
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1820: [Keyboard] add manual keyboard for switching through options
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1820: [Keyboard] add manual keyboard for switching through options
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1820: [Keyboard] add manual keyboard for switching through options
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1820: [Keyboard] add manual keyboard for switching through options
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1822: 2008.8 doesn't wake on alarm
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1822: 2008.8 doesn't wake on alarm
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1822: 2008.8 doesn't wake on alarm
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1822: 2008.8 doesn't wake on alarm
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1823: [gpe] To-do list gives an seg fault each time I quit
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1824: FSO: GPS time not available in TangoGPS
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1826: FSO GPS uses too much CPU
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1830: Daily feed of python-pycairo* is empty
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1830: Daily feed of python-pycairo* is empty
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1832: 2008.8 cannot dial *123
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1832: 2008.8 cannot dial *123
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1832: 2008.8 cannot dial *123
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1832: 2008.8 cannot dial *123
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1834: openmoko-dialer2 crashes when no dbus connection could be set (bad error init)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1834: openmoko-dialer2 crashes when no dbus connection could be set (bad error init)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1836: [settings] can't close "Setting" immediately
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1836: [settings] can't close "Setting" immediately
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1841: white screen of death (WSOD) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1842: Verbosity & informational improvements to dfu-util
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1844: [Dialer] Support Emergency Call and Alert message "No service" or "No register" ...
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1844: [Dialer] Support Emergency Call and Alert message "No service" or "No register" ...
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1844: [Dialer] Support Emergency Call and Alert message "No service" or "No register" ...
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1844: [Dialer] Support Emergency Call and Alert message "No service" or "No register" ...
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1844: [Dialer] Support Emergency Call and Alert message "No service" or "No register" ...
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1845: PIN-dialog show up too slow
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1845: PIN-dialog show up too slow
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1845: PIN-dialog show up too slow
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1845: PIN-dialog show up too slow
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1846: hidd missing from "testing" feed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1848: Missing "dhcp" directory used by dhclient
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1848: Missing "dhcp" directory used by dhclient
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1851: init.d/ and timezones
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1852: Can't register on GSM Network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1852: Can't register on GSM Network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1852: Can't register on GSM Network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1852: Can't register on GSM Network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1852: Can't register on GSM Network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1852: Can't register on GSM Network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1852: Can't register on GSM Network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1852: Can't register on GSM Network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1852: Can't register on GSM Network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1853: Enhancement: improve dropbear security by listening only on usb0 by default
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1854: Xserver insecurely listens for TCP
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1855: PulseAudio insecurely listens for TCP
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1856: Zhone Disable Screen Saver
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1858: [E-illume] installer menu appear instead of softmenu after cancel to save contacts from call history
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1858: [E-illume] installer menu appear instead of softmenu after cancel to save contacts from call history
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1858: [E-illume] installer menu appear instead of softmenu after cancel to save contacts from call history
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1858: [E-illume] installer menu appear instead of softmenu after cancel to save contacts from call history
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1858: [E-illume] installer menu appear instead of softmenu after cancel to save contacts from call history
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1858: [E-illume] installer menu appear instead of softmenu after cancel to save contacts from call history
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1858: [E-illume] installer menu appear instead of softmenu after cancel to save contacts from call history
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1858: [E-illume] installer menu appear instead of softmenu after cancel to save contacts from call history
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1861: Installer administrative lock
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1861: Installer administrative lock
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1862: stop boot
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1862: stop boot
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1863: illume-config package does not provide the spanner/wrench
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1863: illume-config package does not provide the spanner/wrench
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1867: Dhclient is not working
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1874: Dhclient Does not create leased directories
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1875: Phone keeps on waking up (suspend (wait few seconds or minutes) => wakeup (wait 10s)=> suspend)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1875: Phone keeps on waking up (suspend (wait few seconds or minutes) => wakeup (wait 10s)=> suspend)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1878: infinite recursion in om-locations-map-pack.c
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1878: infinite recursion in om-locations-map-pack.c
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1878: infinite recursion in om-locations-map-pack.c
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1879: [unstable] attempting to bond crashes hcid
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1879: [unstable] attempting to bond crashes hcid
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1880: No GSM signal anymore after receiving a call
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1880: No GSM signal anymore after receiving a call
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1883: [Installer] did not show up right category if click fast
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1883: [Installer] did not show up right category if click fast
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1883: [Installer] did not show up right category if click fast
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1883: [Installer] did not show up right category if click fast
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1884: [suspend/resume] if press power batton right after suspend, the device won't wake up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1884: [suspend/resume] if press power batton right after suspend, the device won't wake up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1884: [suspend/resume] if press power batton right after suspend, the device won't wake up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1884: [suspend/resume] if press power batton right after suspend, the device won't wake up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1884: [suspend/resume] if press power batton right after suspend, the device won't wake up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1885: xterm does not install an icon on the desktop
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1887: [Qtopia : call screen] incoming call screen overlap with calendar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1887: [Qtopia : call screen] incoming call screen overlap with calendar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1887: [Qtopia : call screen] incoming call screen overlap with calendar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1888: [Setting] can't connect to network via wifi
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1891: dfu-util from 28-Aug-2008 does not run on 32bit x86
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1892: Locations doesn't start
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1892: Locations doesn't start
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1892: Locations doesn't start
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1893: Adding an "update all"/select function button to assassin/installer
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1893: Adding an "update all"/select function button to assassin/installer
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1893: Adding an "update all"/select function button to assassin/installer
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1893: Adding an "update all"/select function button to assassin/installer
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1894: Typo in e-wm description line
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1894: Typo in e-wm description line
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1894: Typo in e-wm description line
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1895: Games with blank icons in task-openmoko-games
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1897: OM2008.8-upgrade: PIN dialog not showing up
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1897: OM2008.8-upgrade: PIN dialog not showing up (was: OM2008.8-upgrade)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1901: Answer button does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1901: Answer button does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1901: Answer button does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1901: Answer button does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1901: Answer button does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1901: Answer button does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1901: Answer button does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1901: Answer button does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1902: Wifi can't connect at all
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1902: Wifi can't connect at all
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1903: do_compile failed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1903: do_compile failed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1904: om2008.8 wifi don't get always an ipv4 ip
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1905: packagekit daemon crashing due to interactive pacakge install?
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1905: packagekit daemon crashing due to interactive pacakge install?
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1905: packagekit daemon crashing due to interactive pacakge install?
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1905: packagekit daemon crashing due to interactive pacakge install?
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1906: [qtopia] Duplicate SMS in inbox
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1906: [qtopia] Duplicate SMS in inbox
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1906: [qtopia] Duplicate SMS in inbox
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1907: [opkg sources.lst] point to buildhost
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1908: [python bindings] can't start settings on the testing image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1908: [python bindings] can't start settings on the testing image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1909: [tichy] package still not in the package feed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1909: [tichy] package still not in the package feed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1911: Implement libframeworkd-glib
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1912: port 2007.2 dialer2 (now dialer3) to use ophoned instead
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1913: port 2007.2 gsm-panel apps to use ophoned instead.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1914: switch media player to use alsa directly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1915: verify porting of pulseaudio related apps from 2007.2
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1918: Identify packages to go into SHR.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1918: Identify packages to go into SHR.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1919: Identify differences between FSO & 2007.2 that need investigation.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1920: Integrate mwester's pulseaudio resume fix into SHR.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1920: Integrate mwester's pulseaudio resume fix into SHR.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1921: Create messages3 as a copy of 2007.2's messages2
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1922: port messages3 to use libframework-glib
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1928: Settings don't change the suspend time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1929: Wlan stops working after some time...
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1932: Suspend mode OFF not working
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1932: Suspend mode OFF not working
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1935: Om 2008.8: Provide additional languages for predictive mode of keyboard
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1935: Om 2008.8: Provide additional languages for predictive mode of keyboard
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1935: Om 2008.8: Provide additional languages for predictive mode of keyboard
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1936: PIN entry should default to numeric input
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1936: PIN entry should default to numeric input
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1937: gpsd is killed when running /etc/init.d/gpsd restart
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1937: gpsd is killed when running /etc/init.d/gpsd restart
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1937: gpsd is killed when running /etc/init.d/gpsd restart
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1938: tzdata package should not overwrite /etc/localtime
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1938: tzdata package should not overwrite /etc/localtime
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1939: wifi crashes the device
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1939: wifi crashes the device
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1939: wifi crashes the device
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1939: wifi crashes the device
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1939: wifi crashes the device
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1939: wifi crashes the device
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1940: 'opkg -noaction upgrade' does not work as expected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1940: 'opkg -noaction upgrade' does not work as expected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1940: 'opkg -noaction upgrade' does not work as expected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1940: 'opkg -noaction upgrade' does not work as expected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1940: 'opkg -noaction upgrade' does not work as expected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1940: 'opkg -noaction upgrade' does not work as expected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1940: 'opkg -noaction upgrade' does not work as expected
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1941: Qtopia Contact cannot shows utf8 correctly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1941: Qtopia Contact cannot shows utf8 correctly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1941: Qtopia Contact cannot shows utf8 correctly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1941: Qtopia Contact cannot shows utf8 correctly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1941: Qtopia Contact cannot shows utf8 correctly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1942: Openmoko-calculator does not work correctly
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1943: [Installer] install package time out take 15min. please reduce the Time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1943: [Installer] install package time out take 15min. please reduce the Time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1943: [Installer] install package time out take 15min. please reduce the Time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1943: [Installer] install package time out take 15min. please reduce the Time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1944: [Location] The tag saved at wrong place while moving
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1944: [Location] The tag saved at wrong place while moving
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1944: [Location] The tag saved at wrong place while moving
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1944: [Location] The tag saved at wrong place while moving
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1944: [Location] The tag saved at wrong place while moving
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1945: om2008.8: Sometimes I can't call my FreeRunner when it is in suspend (with logread/x.log/dmesg)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1945: om2008.8: Sometimes I can't call my FreeRunner when it is in suspend (with logread/x.log/dmesg)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1945: om2008.8: Sometimes I can't call my FreeRunner when it is in suspend (with logread/x.log/dmesg)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1945: om2008.8: Sometimes I can't call my FreeRunner when it is in suspend (with logread/x.log/dmesg)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1945: om2008.8: Sometimes I can't call my FreeRunner when it is in suspend (with logread/x.log/dmesg)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1945: om2008.8: Sometimes I can't call my FreeRunner when it is in suspend (with logread/x.log/dmesg)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1945: om2008.8: Sometimes I can't call my FreeRunner when it is in suspend (with logread/x.log/dmesg)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1945: om2008.8: Sometimes I can't call my FreeRunner when it is in suspend (with logread/x.log/dmesg)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1945: om2008.8: Sometimes I can't call my FreeRunner when it is in suspend (with logread/x.log/dmesg)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1946: gtk+ and tangogps
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1946: gtk+ and tangogps
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1946: gtk+ and tangogps
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1947: om2008.8: Bluetooth icon isn't properly aligned next to the wifi, battery and gsm icon
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1947: om2008.8: Bluetooth icon isn't properly aligned next to the wifi, battery and gsm icon
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1948: [Boot screen]Please Change initial Boot to uBoot-image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1948: [Boot screen]Please Change initial Boot to uBoot-image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1949: [Qtopia : keyboard ] added space automatically when type something in keyboard
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1949: [Qtopia : keyboard ] added space automatically when type something in keyboard
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1949: [Qtopia : keyboard ] added space automatically when type something in keyboard
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1949: [Qtopia : keyboard ] added space automatically when type something in keyboard
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1950: [Installer] system update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1950: [Installer] system update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1950: [Installer] system update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1950: [Installer] system update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1950: [Installer] system update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1950: [Installer] system update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1950: [Installer] system update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1950: [Installer] system update packages
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1951: ps u does not show all user names
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1951: ps u does not show all user names
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1951: ps u does not show all user names
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1952: [Systemsoftware] it wakes up from suspend but screen is blank time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1952: [Systemsoftware] it wakes up from suspend but screen is blank time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1952: [Systemsoftware] it wakes up from suspend but screen is blank time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1952: [Systemsoftware] it wakes up from suspend but screen is blank time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1952: [Systemsoftware] it wakes up from suspend but screen is blank time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1952: [Systemsoftware] it wakes up from suspend but screen is blank time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1952: [Systemsoftware] it wakes up from suspend but screen is blank time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1953: tty setup for gps at startup -- /etc/init.d/gps-hardware
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1954: Sound of clicks on locked screen.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1955: pppd persist and holdoff does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1956: Mediaplayer2 audio quality
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1956: Mediaplayer2 audio quality
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1956: Mediaplayer2 audio quality
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1957: Installer is complaining about libopk, if there is no internet
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1957: Installer is complaining about libopk, if there is no internet
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1957: Installer is complaining about libopk, if there is no internet
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1957: Installer is complaining about libopk, if there is no internet
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1958: After upgrade , FR hangs at "booting 42%"
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1958: After upgrade , FR hangs at "booting 42%"
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1958: After upgrade , FR hangs at "booting 42%"
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1959: Qtopia build key needs to be set
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1959: Qtopia build key needs to be set
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1959: Qtopia build key needs to be set
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1959: Qtopia build key needs to be set
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1959: Qtopia build key needs to be set
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1959: Qtopia build key needs to be set
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1959: Qtopia build key needs to be set
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1959: Qtopia build key needs to be set
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1959: Qtopia build key needs to be set
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1960: On screen keyboard does not work in landscape mode
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1961: Distortion when switching to/from landscape mode
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1962: PV in should be higher then asu.stable
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1962: PV in should be higher then asu.stable
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1963: X orientation left and right mess screen when return from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1963: X orientation left and right mess screen when return from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1963: X orientation left and right mess screen when return from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1964: [ti calypso] Sometimes TI Calypso fails to dial out and is not reachable
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1965: qtopia-phone-x11 build failed cannot find -lfreetype
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1965: qtopia-phone-x11 build failed cannot find -lfreetype
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1965: qtopia-phone-x11 build failed cannot find -lfreetype
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1965: qtopia-phone-x11 build failed cannot find -lfreetype
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1965: qtopia-phone-x11 build failed cannot find -lfreetype
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1965: qtopia-phone-x11 build failed cannot find -lfreetype
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1966: The qtopia addressbook does not provide a search bar
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1967: [kernel] image and modules not in sync
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1967: [kernel] image and modules not in sync
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1967: [kernel] image and modules not in sync
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1967: [kernel] image and modules not in sync
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1967: [kernel]after stable to testing upgrade image and modules not in sync
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1967: [kernel]after stable to testing upgrade image and modules not in sync
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1967: [kernel]after stable to testing upgrade image and modules not in sync (was: [kernel] image and modules not in sync)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1968: MokoMakefile installed in dir with not trivial path does not work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1969: Zhone, empty message box disables functionality to send message.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1969: Zhone, empty message box disables functionality to send message.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1970: ar6k does not print newline after disconnect message
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1970: ar6k does not print newline after disconnect message
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1971: keep retrieving all SMS list even there is no message in SIM
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1971: keep retrieving all SMS list even there is no message in SIM
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1971: keep retrieving all SMS list even there is no message in SIM
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1971: keep retrieving all SMS list even there is no message in SIM
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1971: keep retrieving all SMS list even there is no message in SIM
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1971: keep retrieving all SMS list even there is no message in SIM
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1971: keep retrieving all SMS list even there is no message in SIM
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1971: keep retrieving all SMS list even there is no message in SIM
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1972: Wifi interferes with Bluetooth
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1972: Wifi interferes with Bluetooth
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1972: Wifi interferes with Bluetooth
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1972: Wifi interferes with Bluetooth
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1973: Enlightenment is slow to start / restart / update
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1973: Enlightenment is slow to start / restart / update
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1974: Enlightenment is slow to start / restart / update
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1974: Enlightenment is slow to start / restart / update
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1974: Enlightenment is slow to start / restart / update
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1974: Enlightenment is slow to start / restart / update
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1974: Enlightenment is slow to start / restart / update
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1974: Enlightenment is slow to start / restart / update
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1974: Enlightenment is slow to start / restart / update
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1975: Wrong Phone Matching in Qtopia
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1975: Wrong Phone Matching in Qtopia
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1976: Redial last called number
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1976: Redial last called number
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1976: Redial last called number
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1976: Redial last called number
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1976: Redial last called number
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1977: [Location] delete tag in Location but the Tag SMS will be empty text and can't be delete
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1977: [Locations] delete tag in Location but the Tag SMS will be empty text and can't be delete
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1977: [Locations] delete tag in Location but the Tag SMS will be empty text and can't be delete (was: [Location] delete tag in Location but the Tag SMS will be empty text and can't be delete)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1978: [Location] Tag will shows "New" even already Opened once. (or "Today" even yesterday's tags)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1978: [Location] Tag will shows "New" even already Opened once. (or "Today" even yesterday's tags)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1978: [Location] Tag will shows "New" even already Opened once. (or "Today" even yesterday's tags)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1979: [Location] Deleted Tags will appear in the tag list.(specific phone)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1979: [Location] Deleted Tags will appear in the tag list.(specific phone)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1979: [Location] Deleted Tags will appear in the tag list.(specific phone)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1979: [Location] Deleted Tags will appear in the tag list.(specific phone)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1980: [Location] the tag list is jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1981: [GPS] is inaccurate / [Location] red spot sparkling by around location not exactly where we are.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1981: [GPS] is inaccurate / [Location] red spot sparkling by around location not exactly where we are. (was: [Location] red spot sparkling by around location not exactly where we are.)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1981: [Location] red spot sparkling by around location not exactly where we are.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1981: [Location] red spot sparkling by around location not exactly where we are.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1981: [Location] red spot sparkling by around location not exactly where we are.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1982: [Location] the last line of tag will only show up half
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1983: eth0 doesn't exist / Oops during bootup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1983: eth0 doesn't exist / Oops during bootup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1983: eth0 doesn't exist / Oops during bootup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1983: eth0 doesn't exist / Oops during bootup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1983: eth0 doesn't exist / Oops during bootup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1983: eth0 doesn't exist / Oops during bootup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1983: eth0 doesn't exist / Oops during bootup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1983: eth0 doesn't exist / Oops during bootup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1984: [Qt-Contact] edit contact (from SIM card) screen will overlop other application
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1984: [Qt-Contact] edit contact (from SIM card) screen will overlop other application
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1984: [Qt-Contact] edit SIM contact screen overlaps running applications (was: [Qt-Contact] edit contact (from SIM card) screen will overlop other application)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1985: no auto-suspend after some time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1986: AUX LED blicks too early at power on
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1987: [Qt-Contact] conact name will have limit letters when export from phone to SIM
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1987: [Qt-Contact] contact name will have limit letters when export from phone to SIM (was: [Qt-Contact] conact name will have limit letters when export from phone to SIM)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1988: addressbook mangles UTF-8 characters when importing version 3 vCards
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1989: addressbook not handling vCard 2.1 with multiline records correctly on importing, often leading to crash (wild memory leak)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1989: addressbook not handling vCard 2.1 with multiline records correctly on importing, often leading to crash (wild memory leak)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1989: addressbook not handling vCard 2.1 with multiline records correctly on importing, often leading to crash (wild memory leak)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1990: Illume virtual keybard uses too much space in landscape mode
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1991: [Suspend] unable to suspend, just stay black screen after wake up by power button from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1991: [Suspend] unable to suspend, just stay black screen after wake up by power button from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1991: [Suspend] unable to suspend, just stay black screen after wake up by power button from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1991: [Suspend] unable to suspend, just stay black screen after wake up by power button from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1991: [Suspend] unable to suspend, just stay black screen after wake up by power button from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1991: [Suspend] unable to suspend, just stay black screen after wake up by power button from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1991: [Suspend] unable to suspend, just stay black screen after wake up by power button from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1991: [Suspend] unable to suspend, just stay black screen after wake up by power button from suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1992: Suspend/Resume plays up when initiated manually
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1992: Suspend/Resume plays up when initiated manually
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1993: Phone numbers instead of Names in qtmail (sms)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1993: Phone numbers instead of Names in qtmail (sms)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1993: Phone numbers instead of Names in qtmail (sms)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1994: Links in qthumbstyle are too great
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1994: Links in qthumbstyle are too great
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1995: Qtopia Quicker Finger Scrolling
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1996: display stays blank at incoming call
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1997: Qtopia - clear dialed number menu item
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1997: Qtopia - clear dialed number menu item
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1998: "Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179, 2)" after hard shutdown
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1998: "Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179, 2)" after hard shutdown
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1998: "Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179, 2)" after hard shutdown
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1999: python-etk-git patches patched upstream
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1999: python-etk-git patches patched upstream
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1999: python-etk-git patches patched upstream
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #1999: python-etk-git patches patched upstream
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2000: frameworkd package missing in om2008.08 testing image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2000: frameworkd package missing in om2008.08 testing image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2000: frameworkd package missing in testing feed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2000: frameworkd package missing in testing feed (was: frameworkd package missing in om2008.08 testing image)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2001: zhone package missing in om2008.08 testing image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2001: zhone package missing in om2008.08 testing image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2001: zhone package missing in om2008.08 testing image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2001: zhone package missing in om2008.08 testing image
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2001: zhone package missing in testing feed
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2001: zhone package missing in testing feed (was: zhone package missing in om2008.08 testing image)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2002: Qtopia don't stop vibrating after receiving a text message and a call phone at the same time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2002: Qtopia don't stop vibrating after receiving a text message and a call phone at the same time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2002: Qtopia don't stop vibrating after receiving a text message and a call phone at the same time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2002: Qtopia don't stop vibrating after receiving a text message and a call phone at the same time
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2003: [Setting] Please take out suspend time "10 sec."
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2004: screen is blank (black) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2004: screen is blank (black) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2004: screen is blank (black) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2004: screen is blank (black) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2004: screen is blank (black) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2004: screen is blank (black) after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2005: [Installer] application execution error message shows if you touch bottom bar while refreshing data
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2005: [Installer] application execution error message shows if you touch bottom bar while refreshing data (was: [Installer] show up application execution error message if you touch bottom bar while refreshing data)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2005: [Installer] show up application execution error message if you touch bottom bar while refreshing data
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2005: [Installer] show up application execution error message if you touch bottom bar while refreshing data
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2005: [Installer] show up application execution error message if you touch bottom bar while refreshing data
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2006: [Installer] package list jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2006: [Installer] package list jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2006: [Installer] package list jumping too serious when you scroll it
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2007: [kernel] SD voltage higher after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2007: [kernel] SD voltage higher after resume
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2008: Suspend exceptions: Do not suspend when certain apps are running
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2009: [battery] The battery stops with charching, if it's fully charched.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2009: [battery] The battery stops with charching, if it's fully charched.
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2010: URLs in SMS messages appear in huge type
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2010: URLs in SMS messages appear in huge type
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2010: URLs in SMS messages appear in huge type
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2011: Include python-mokoui in libmokoui2 compilation
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2011: Include python-mokoui in libmokoui2 compilation
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2011: Include python-mokoui in libmokoui2 compilation
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2011: Include python-mokoui in libmokoui2 compilation
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2011: Include python-mokoui in libmokoui2 compilation
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2011: Include python-mokoui in libmokoui2 compilation
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2012: 2008 updated and FDOM failure to register to vodafone Australia
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2013: qpe searches /media/card recursively
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2013: qpe searches /media/card recursively
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2013: qpe searches /media/card recursively
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2014: X fails to start in fso-testing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2014: X fails to start in fso-testing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2014: X fails to start in fso-testing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2015: [Om2008.8] Can't start game 'Fifteen Pieces'
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2015: [Om2008.8] Can't start game 'Fifteen Pieces'
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2015: [Om2008.8] Can't start game 'Fifteen Pieces'
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2015: [Om2008.8] Can't start game 'Fifteen Pieces'
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2015: [Om2008.8] Can't start game 'Fifteen Pieces'
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2015: [Om2008.8] Can't start game 'Fifteen Pieces'
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2015: [Om2008.8] Can't start game 'Fifteen Pieces'
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2016: user permission!
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2016: user permission!
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2016: user permission!
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2017: Om2008.8 Update image(9/18) make device freeze after X hours usage
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2018: [Qt-Contact] Editing contact name, the word between two space will disappear
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2018: [Qt-Contact] Editing contact name, the word between two space will disappear
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2019: Headphone Jack Event
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2020: USB connection messes with suspend/resume state machine
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2020: USB connection messes with suspend/resume state machine
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2020: USB connection messes with suspend/resume state machine
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2020: USB connection messes with suspend/resume state machine
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2020: USB connection messes with suspend/resume state machine
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2020: USB connection messes with suspend/resume state machine
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2020: USB connection messes with suspend/resume state machine
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2021: /etc/init.d/dropbear restart doesn't work
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2022: task-openmoko-basic: fails due to missing connman plugins
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2022: task-openmoko-basic: fails due to missing connman plugins
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2023: Continuous gsm registering
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2023: Continuous gsm registering
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2024: OM 2008.9 messages frozen afer x hours
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2024: OM 2008.9 messages frozen afer x hours
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2024: OM 2008.9 messages frozen afer x hours
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2024: OM 2008.9 messages frozen afer x hours
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2025: Glamo problem: 4GB SD I/O errors with glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=10000000 and no suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2025: Glamo problem: 4GB SD I/O errors with glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=10000000 and no suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2025: Glamo problem: 4GB SD I/O errors with glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=10000000 and no suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2025: Glamo problem: 4GB SD I/O errors with glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=10000000 and no suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2025: Glamo problem: 4GB SD I/O errors with glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=10000000 and no suspend
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2026: [qtopia-phone-x11-addressbook] Overwrites home phone num with mobile phone num for VCF from Sharp GX17 Mobile
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2026: [qtopia-phone-x11-addressbook] Overwrites home phone num with mobile phone num for VCF from Sharp GX17 Mobile
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2026: [qtopia-phone-x11-addressbook] Overwrites home phone num with mobile phone num for VCF from Sharp GX17 Mobile
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2026: [qtopia-phone-x11-addressbook] Overwrites home phone num with mobile phone num for VCF from Sharp GX17 Mobile
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2027: [Settings] Update designs to match flash doc
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2028: gpsd does not install libgpsmm.h and gpsd_config.h in staging dir
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2029: Class 0 SMS wrongly decoded (no UTF-8?)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2030: Cannot connect to WEP network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2030: Cannot connect to WEP network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2030: Cannot connect to WEP network
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2031: Scroll list implementation
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2031: Scroll list implementation
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2031: Scroll list implementation
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2032: [Installer] only show packages that are visible in launcher
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2032: [Installer] only show packages that are visible in launcher
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2032: [Installer] only show packages that are visible in launcher
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2032: [Installer] only show packages that are visible in launcher
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2032: [Installer] only show packages that are visible in launcher
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2032: [Installer] only show packages that are visible in launcher
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2033: FTBFS opkg on gcc-4.3.2 (patch available)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2033: FTBFS opkg on gcc-4.3.2 (patch available)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2033: FTBFS opkg on gcc-4.3.2 (patch available)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2033: FTBFS opkg on gcc-4.3.2 (patch available)
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2034: Upload conf directory, buildscripts and env to
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2035: [2008.8 updated]White screen of death at startup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2035: [2008.8 updated]White screen of death at startup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2035: [2008.8 updated]White screen of death at startup
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2036: resize2fs /dev/mmcblk02p2 128m seg faults
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2036: resize2fs /dev/mmcblk02p2 128m seg faults
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2036: resize2fs /dev/mmcblk02p2 128m seg faults
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2036: resize2fs /dev/mmcblk02p2 128m seg faults
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2036: resize2fs /dev/mmcblk02p2 128m seg faults
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2036: resize2fs /dev/mmcblk02p2 128m seg faults
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2036: resize2fs /dev/mmcblk02p2 128m seg faults
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2036: resize2fs /dev/mmcblk02p2 128m seg faults
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2037: Qtopia Crashes on Dialing after selecting a Contact
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2037: Qtopia Crashes on Dialing after selecting a Contact
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2037: Qtopia Crashes on Dialing after selecting a Contact
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2037: Qtopia Crashes on Dialing after selecting a Contact
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2038: Qtopia USSD requests support
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2038: Qtopia USSD requests support
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2038: Qtopia USSD requests support
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2038: Qtopia USSD requests support
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2038: Qtopia USSD requests support
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2039: dfu-util recognize 044e:300c Alps Electric Co., Ltd as an openmoko phone
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2039: dfu-util recognize 044e:300c Alps Electric Co., Ltd as an openmoko phone
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2039: dfu-util recognize 044e:300c Alps Electric Co., Ltd as an openmoko phone
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2040: [qtmail] Backup/Recover SMS from Flash/SIM/SD media
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2040: [qtmail] Backup/Recover SMS from Flash/SIM/SD media
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2040: [qtmail] Backup/Recover SMS from Flash/SIM/SD media
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2040: [qtmail] Backup/Recover SMS from Flash/SIM/SD media
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2041: check RPATH of binaries
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2042: Use BB_GIT_CLONE_FOR_SRCREV = "1" for testing and unstable
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2043: GTA02 WiFi signal reception too weak
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2043: GTA02 WiFi signal reception too weak
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2043: GTA02 WiFi signal reception too weak
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2044: om-locations - map licensing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2044: om-locations - map licensing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2044: om-locations - map licensing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2044: om-locations - map licensing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2044: om-locations - map licensing
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2045: [Om2008.9] Wifi associating is very unreliable
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #2045: [Om2008.9] Wifi associating is very unreliable
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #558: Most processes running as root?!
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #666: 3G SIM capability
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #666: 3G SIM capability
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #666: 3G SIM capability
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #666: 3G SIM capability
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #666: 3G SIM capability
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #674: compile in profiling support
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #676: dfu-util upload causes data corruption
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #676: dfu-util upload causes data corruption
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #69: Speed up System Initialization
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #69: Speed up System Initialization
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #80: wakeup reason not in /proc/cmdline
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #812: "neo1973 gsm version" command does not respond
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #881: [patch] /etc/hosts should contain
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #967: openmoko-today clock doesn't honour timezone DST
Openmoko Public Trac
- Openmoko Bug #967: openmoko-today clock doesn't honour timezone DST
Openmoko Public Trac
- Reg:Multitap Pad Keyboard
veena s
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 18:26:29 CEST 2008
Archived on: Tue Sep 30 19:46:24 CEST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).