r2235 - trunk/src/target/u-boot/patches

werner at sita.openmoko.org werner at sita.openmoko.org
Wed Jun 13 00:57:49 CEST 2007

Author: werner
Date: 2007-06-13 00:57:45 +0200 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 2235

Patch for common/bootmenu.c was garbled, sorry.

Modified: trunk/src/target/u-boot/patches/boot-menu.patch
--- trunk/src/target/u-boot/patches/boot-menu.patch	2007-06-12 18:05:49 UTC (rev 2234)
+++ trunk/src/target/u-boot/patches/boot-menu.patch	2007-06-12 22:57:45 UTC (rev 2235)
@@ -364,322 +364,258 @@
  OBJS	:= $(addprefix $(obj),$(AOBJS) $(COBJS))
 Index: u-boot/common/bootmenu.c
---- u-boot.orig/common/bootmenu.c
+--- /dev/null
 +++ u-boot/common/bootmenu.c
-@@ -22,18 +22,13 @@
- #include <common.h>
+@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
++ * bootmenu.c - Boot menu
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by OpenMoko, Inc.
++ * Written by Werner Almesberger <werner at openmoko.org>
++ * All Rights Reserved
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
++ */
++#include <common.h>
 +#include <malloc.h>
- #include <devices.h>
- #include <console.h>
--#include <environment.h>
--#include <environment.h>
--#include <asm/atomic.h>
--#include "usbdcore.h"
--#include "usb_dfu.h"
--#include "neo1973.h"
++#include <devices.h>
++#include <console.h>
 +#include <bootmenu.h>
- extern const char version_string[];
-@@ -44,8 +39,6 @@ extern const char version_string[];
- #define	ANSI_NORMAL	"\e[m"
- #define ANSI_GOTOYX	"\e[%d;%dH"
--#define DEBOUNCE_LOOPS		1000	/* wild guess */
- /*
-  * MIN_BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT ensures that users can't by accident set the timeout
-  * unusably short.
-@@ -58,29 +51,18 @@ extern const char version_string[];
- #define	TOP_ROW		2
- #define	MENU_0_ROW	(TOP_ROW+5)
--#define BOOT_TXT	"Boot"
--#define	FACTORY_TXT	"Factory reset"
++extern const char version_string[];
++#define ANSI_CLEAR	"\e[2J"
++#define ANSI_REVERSE	"\e[7m"
++#define	ANSI_NORMAL	"\e[m"
++#define ANSI_GOTOYX	"\e[%d;%dH"
++ * MIN_BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT ensures that users can't by accident set the timeout
++ * unusably short.
++ */
++#define MIN_BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT	10	/* 10 seconds */
++#define BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT	60	/* 60 seconds */
++#define AFTER_COMMAND_WAIT	3	/* wait (2,3] after running commands */
++#define	MAX_MENU_ITEMS		10	/* cut off after that many */
++#define	TOP_ROW		2
++#define	MENU_0_ROW	(TOP_ROW+5)
 +struct option {
 +	const char *label;
 +	void (*fn)(void *user);	/* run_command if NULL */
 +	void *user;
-- * The menu options are indexed as follows:
-- *
-- * 0		Hard-coded "Boot"
-- * n		User-provided options
-- * options+1	Hard-coded "Factory reset"
-- *
-- * "options" is the number of user-provided options. They are stored in
-- * environment variables names "menu_N", starting with 1.
-- *
-- * Because there can be * holes in the sequence of "menu_N" variables, we use
-- * map[] to map the option number to the number in the variable name. The
-- * first variable goes into map[1], etc., so that, if we start with menu_1 and
-- * have no holes, map[i] == i for 1 <= i <= options.
-- */
--static int map[MAX_MENU_ITEMS];
--static int options = 0;
--static int width = sizeof(FACTORY_TXT)-1;
 +static const struct bootmenu_setup *setup;
 +static struct option options[MAX_MENU_ITEMS];
 +static int num_options = 0;
 +static int max_width = 0;
- static device_t *bm_con;
-@@ -98,80 +80,28 @@ static void bm_printf(const char *fmt, .
- }
--static int debounce(int (*fn)(void), int last)
--	int on, i;
--	on = fn();
--	if (on != last)
--		for (i = DEBOUNCE_LOOPS; i; i--)
--			if (on != fn())
--				goto again;
--	return on;
- static char *get_option(int n)
- {
- 	char name[] = "menu_XX";
--	sprintf(name+5,"%d",map[n]);
++static device_t *bm_con;
++static void bm_printf(const char *fmt, ...)
++	va_list args;
++	char printbuffer[CFG_PBSIZE];
++	va_start(args, fmt);
++	vsprintf(printbuffer, fmt, args);
++	va_end(args);
++	bm_con->puts(printbuffer);
++static char *get_option(int n)
++	char name[] = "menu_XX";
 +	sprintf(name+5, "%d", n);
- 	return getenv(name);
- }
--static void print_option_n(int n)
++	return getenv(name);
 +static void print_option(const struct option *option, int reverse)
- {
--	char *s, *colon;
--	int len;
--	if (!n) {
--		bm_printf("  %-*s  ", width, BOOT_TXT);
--		return;
--	}
--	if (n == options+1) {
--		bm_printf("  %-*s  ", width, FACTORY_TXT);
--		return;
--	}
--	s = get_option(n);
--    	if (!s)
--		return;
--	colon = strchr(s, ':');
--	if (colon)
--		*colon = 0;
--	len = strlen(s);
--	if (len > width)
--		width = len;
--	bm_printf("  %-*s  ", width, s);
--	if (colon)
--		*colon = ':';
 +	int n = option-options;
--static void print_option(int n, int reverse)
- 	bm_printf(ANSI_GOTOYX, MENU_0_ROW+n, 1);
- 	if (reverse)
- 		bm_printf(ANSI_REVERSE);
--	print_option_n(n);
++	bm_printf(ANSI_GOTOYX, MENU_0_ROW+n, 1);
++	if (reverse)
++		bm_printf(ANSI_REVERSE);
 +	bm_printf("  %-*s  ", max_width, option->label);
- 	if (reverse)
- 		bm_printf(ANSI_NORMAL);
- }
--static const char *option_command(int n)
--	const char *s, *colon;
--	s = get_option(n);
--	if (!s)
--		return NULL;
--	colon = strchr(s, ':');
--	return colon ? colon+1 : s;
- static int get_var_positive_int(char *var, int default_value)
- {
- 	const char *s;
-@@ -188,32 +118,16 @@ static int get_var_positive_int(char *va
- }
--static void init_bootmenu(void)
++	if (reverse)
++		bm_printf(ANSI_NORMAL);
++static int get_var_positive_int(char *var, int default_value)
++	const char *s;
++	char *end;
++	int n;
++	s = getenv(var);
++	if (!s)
++		return default_value;
++        n = simple_strtoul(s, &end, 0);
++	if (!*s || *end || n < 1)
++		return default_value;
++	return n;
 +static void show_bootmenu(void)
- {
--	int n;
 +	const struct option *option;
- 	bm_printf(ANSI_CLEAR ANSI_GOTOYX "%s", TOP_ROW, 1, version_string);
- 	bm_printf(ANSI_GOTOYX "*** BOOT MENU ***", TOP_ROW+3, 1);
- 	bm_printf(ANSI_GOTOYX, MENU_0_ROW, 1);
--	options = 0;
--	/* hard-coded first option */
--	print_option(0, 1);
--	map[0] = 0;
--	/* user-provided options */
--	for (n = 1; n != MAX_MENU_ITEMS+1; n++) {
--		map[options+1] = n;
--		if (option_command(options+1)) {
--			options++;
--			print_option(options, 0);
--		}
--	}
--	/* hard-coded last option */
--	print_option(options+1, 0);
--	map[options+1] = options+1;
++	bm_printf(ANSI_CLEAR ANSI_GOTOYX "%s", TOP_ROW, 1, version_string);
++	bm_printf(ANSI_GOTOYX "*** BOOT MENU ***", TOP_ROW+3, 1);
++	bm_printf(ANSI_GOTOYX, MENU_0_ROW, 1);
 +	for (option = options; option != options+num_options; option++)
 +		print_option(option, option == options);
- 	bm_printf("\n\nPress [AUX] to select, [POWER] to execute.\n");
- }
-@@ -242,42 +156,18 @@ static void redirect_console(int grab)
- }
--static int system_idle(void)
--	if (system_dfu_state)
--		return *system_dfu_state == DFU_STATE_appIDLE;
--	return 1;
--static void poweroff_if_idle(void)
--	unsigned long flags;
--	local_irq_save(flags);
--	if (system_idle())
--		neo1973_poweroff();
--	local_irq_restore(flags);
--static void do_option(int option)
++	bm_printf("\n\nPress [AUX] to select, [POWER] to execute.\n");
++static void redirect_console(int grab)
++	static device_t *orig_stdout, *orig_stderr;
++	if (grab) {
++		orig_stdout = stdio_devices[stdout];
++		orig_stderr = stdio_devices[stderr];
++		stdio_devices[stdout] = bm_con;
++		stdio_devices[stderr] = bm_con;
++	}
++	else {
++		/*
++		 * Make this conditional, because the command may also change
++		 * the console.
++		 */
++		if (stdio_devices[stdout] == bm_con)
++			stdio_devices[stdout] = orig_stdout;
++		if (stdio_devices[stderr] == bm_con)
++			stdio_devices[stderr] = orig_stderr;
++	}
 +static void do_option(const struct option *option)
- {
- 	int seconds, aux;
- 	bm_printf(ANSI_CLEAR ANSI_GOTOYX, 1, 1);
- 	redirect_console(1);
--	if (!option || option == options+1) {
--		if (option) {
--			default_env();
--			run_command("dynpart", 0);
--		}
--		run_command("bootd", 0);
--	}
++	int seconds, aux;
++	bm_printf(ANSI_CLEAR ANSI_GOTOYX, 1, 1);
++	redirect_console(1);
 +	if (option->fn)
 +		option->fn(option->user);
- 	else
--		run_command(option_command(option), 0);
++	else
 +		run_command(option->user, 0);
- 	redirect_console(0);
- 	seconds = get_var_positive_int("after_command_wait",
-@@ -288,46 +178,46 @@ static void do_option(int option)
- 	while (seconds) {
- 		int tmp;
--		tmp = debounce(neo1973_aux_key_pressed, aux);
++	redirect_console(0);
++	seconds = get_var_positive_int("after_command_wait",
++	if (seconds)
++		bm_printf("\nPress [AUX] to %s.",
++		    option ? "return to boot menu" : "power off");
++	aux = 1; /* require up-down transition */
++	while (seconds) {
++		int tmp;
 +		tmp = setup->next_key(setup->user);
- 		if (tmp && !aux)
- 			break;
- 		aux = tmp;
--		if (neo1973_new_second())
++		if (tmp && !aux)
++			break;
++		aux = tmp;
 +		if (setup->seconds(setup->user))
- 			seconds--;
- 	}
- 	if (!option)
--		poweroff_if_idle();
--	init_bootmenu();
++			seconds--;
++	}
++	if (!option)
 +		setup->idle_action(setup->idle_action);
 +	show_bootmenu();
- }
- static void bootmenu_hook(int activity)
- {
- 	static int aux = 1, on = 1;
--	static int option = 0;
++static void bootmenu_hook(int activity)
++	static int aux = 1, on = 1;
 +	static const struct option *option = options;
- 	static int seconds = 0;
- 	int tmp;
- 	if (activity)
- 		seconds = 0;
--	tmp = debounce(neo1973_aux_key_pressed, aux);
++	static int seconds = 0;
++	int tmp;
++	if (activity)
++		seconds = 0;
 +	tmp = setup->next_key(setup->user);
- 	if (tmp && !aux) {
- 		print_option(option, 0);
- 		option++;
--		if (option == options+2)
--			option = 0;
++	if (tmp && !aux) {
++		print_option(option, 0);
++		option++;
 +		if (option == options+num_options)
 +			option = options;
- 		print_option(option, 1);
- 		seconds = 0;
- 	}
- 	aux = tmp;
--	tmp = debounce(neo1973_on_key_pressed, on);
++		print_option(option, 1);
++		seconds = 0;
++	}
++	aux = tmp;
 +	tmp = setup->enter_key(setup->user);
- 	if (tmp && !on) {
- 		do_option(option);
--		option = 0;
++	if (tmp && !on) {
++		do_option(option);
 +		option = options;
- 		seconds = 0;
- 	}
- 	on = tmp;
--	if (neo1973_new_second()) {
++		seconds = 0;
++	}
++	on = tmp;
 +	if (setup->seconds(setup->user)) {
- 		int timeout;
- 		timeout = get_var_positive_int("boot_menu_timeout",
-@@ -335,7 +225,7 @@ static void bootmenu_hook(int activity)
- 		if (timeout < MIN_BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT)
- 			timeout = MIN_BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT;
- 		if (++seconds > timeout) {
--			poweroff_if_idle();
++		int timeout;
++		timeout = get_var_positive_int("boot_menu_timeout",
++		if (timeout < MIN_BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT)
++			timeout = MIN_BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT;
++		if (++seconds > timeout) {
 +			setup->idle_action(setup->idle_action);
- 			seconds = 0;
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -357,6 +247,50 @@ static device_t *find_console(const char
- }
++			seconds = 0;
++		}
++	}
++static device_t *find_console(const char *name)
++	int i;
++	for (i = 1; i != ListNumItems(devlist); i++) {
++		device_t *dev = ListGetPtrToItem(devlist, i);
++		if (!strcmp(name, dev->name))
++			if (dev->flags & DEV_FLAGS_OUTPUT)
++				return dev;
++	}
++	return NULL;
 +void bootmenu_add(const char *label, void (*fn)(void *user), void *user)
 +	int len;
@@ -724,17 +660,22 @@
- void bootmenu(void)
- {
- 	bm_con = find_console("vga");
-@@ -370,6 +304,8 @@ void bootmenu(void)
- 	console_assign(stdout, "vga");
- 	console_assign(stderr, "vga");
- #endif
--	init_bootmenu();
++void bootmenu(void)
++	bm_con = find_console("vga");
++	if (bm_con && bm_con->start && bm_con->start() < 0)
++		bm_con = NULL;
++	if (!bm_con)
++		bm_con = stdio_devices[stdout];
++	if (!bm_con)
++		return;
++#if 0
++	console_assign(stdout, "vga");
++	console_assign(stderr, "vga");
 +	show_bootmenu();
- 	console_poll_hook = bootmenu_hook;
- }
++	console_poll_hook = bootmenu_hook;
 +#endif /* CFG_BOOTMENU */
 Index: u-boot/include/bootmenu.h

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