r4879 - in trunk/src/host/pye17: . codegen ecore_evas examples/ecore_evas

marek at docs.openmoko.org marek at docs.openmoko.org
Tue Dec 23 10:24:23 CET 2008

Author: marek
Date: 2008-12-23 10:24:23 +0100 (Tue, 23 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 4879

add primitive callback support

Modified: trunk/src/host/pye17/Makefile
--- trunk/src/host/pye17/Makefile	2008-12-19 05:15:47 UTC (rev 4878)
+++ trunk/src/host/pye17/Makefile	2008-12-23 09:24:23 UTC (rev 4879)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # E_PATH not given (env variable)
 ifeq ($(wildcard $(E_PATH)),)
 ifneq ($(wildcard $(E_PATH_TMP)),)

Modified: trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/argtypes.py
--- trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/argtypes.py	2008-12-19 05:15:47 UTC (rev 4878)
+++ trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/argtypes.py	2008-12-23 09:24:23 UTC (rev 4879)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
             self.kwlist.append('"%s"' % kw)
 class ArgType:
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         """Add code to the WrapperInfo instance to handle
         raise RuntimeError, "write_param not implemented for %s" % \
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
                               '    return Py_None;')
 class StringArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt != None:
             if pdflt != 'NULL': pdflt = '"' + pdflt + '"'
             info.varlist.add('char', '*' + pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
                                   '    return Py_None;')
 class StringPtrArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt != None:
             if pdflt != 'NULL': pdflt = '"' + pdflt + '"'
             info.varlist.add('char', '**' + pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
 class UCharArg(ArgType):
     # allows strings with embedded NULLs.
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('guchar', '*' + pname + ' = "' + pdflt + '"')
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
 class CharArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('char', pname + " = '" + pdflt + "'")
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
                 '    py_ret = (Py_UNICODE)ret;\n'
                 '    return PyUnicode_FromUnicode(&py_ret, 1);\n')
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('gunichar', pname + " = '" + pdflt + "'")
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 class IntArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('int', pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
               '        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Parameter \'%(name)s\' must be an int or a long");\n'
               '    if (PyErr_Occurred())\n'
               '        return NULL;\n')
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if not pdflt:
             pdflt = '0';
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
         llp64 = False
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add(ptype, pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
         llp64 = False
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add(ptype, pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
             info.codeafter.append('    return PyLong_FromLong(ret);\n')
 class LongArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add(ptype, pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
         info.codeafter.append('    return PyBool_FromLong(ret);\n')
 class TimeTArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('time_t', pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
         info.codeafter.append('    return PyInt_FromLong(ret);')
 class ULongArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('unsigned long', pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
         info.codeafter.append('    return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(ret);\n')
 class UInt32Arg(ULongArg):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         ULongArg.write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info)
         ## if sizeof(unsigned long) > sizeof(unsigned int), we need to
         ## check the value is within guint32 range
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
                 '    }\n') % vars())
 class Int64Arg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('gint64', pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
     dflt = '    if (py_%(name)s)\n' \
            '        %(name)s = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(py_%(name)s);\n'
     before = '    %(name)s = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(py_%(name)s);\n'
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('guint64', pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
             info.codebefore.append(self.dflt % {'name':pname})
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
 class DoubleArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('double', pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
             '    }\n')
     dflt = ('    if (py_%(name)s)\n'
             '        %(name)s = PyFile_AsFile(py_%(name)s);\n')
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pnull:
             if pdflt:
                 info.varlist.add('FILE', '*' + pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
     def __init__(self, enumname, typecode):
         self.enumname = enumname
         self.typecode = typecode
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add(self.enumname, pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
     def __init__(self, flagname, typecode):
         self.flagname = flagname
         self.typecode = typecode
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add(self.flagname, pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
             default = "py_%s && " % (pname,)
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
         self.objname = objname
         self.cast = string.replace(typecode, '_TYPE_', '_', 1)
         self.parent = parent
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pnull:
             if pdflt:
                 info.varlist.add(self.objname, '*' + pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
     def __init__(self, ptype, typecode):
         self.typename = ptype
         self.typecode = typecode
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pnull:
             info.varlist.add(self.typename, '*' + pname + ' = NULL')
             info.varlist.add('PyObject', '*py_' + pname + ' = Py_None')
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@
         self.getter = getter
         self.checker = 'Py' + ptype + '_Check'
         self.new = new
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pnull:
             info.varlist.add(ptype[:-1], '*' + pname + ' = NULL')
             info.varlist.add('PyObject', '*py_' + pname + ' = Py_None')
@@ -680,16 +680,30 @@
             '        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "%(name)s should be a %(typename)s or None");\n'
             '        return NULL;\n'
             '    }\n')
+    cb = ('    if (!PyCallable_Check(py_%(name)s)) {\n'
+          '        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be callable");\n'
+	  '	   return NULL;\n'
+	  '     }\n\n'
+	  '     /* Py_XINCREF & Py_XDECREF are NULL safe */\n'
+	  '     Py_XINCREF(py_%(name)s);   /* Add a reference to new callback */\n'
+	  '     Py_XDECREF(%(cb_name)s_obj);   /* Dispose of previous callback */\n'
+	  '     %(cb_name)s_obj = py_%(name)s;   /* Remember new callback */\n')
     def __init__(self, ptype, typecode):
         self.typename = ptype
         self.typecode = typecode
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
 	if self.typename == "unsigned-int":
 		local_typename = "unsigned int"
 		local_typename = self.typename
-        if pnull:
+	if piscb:
+	    info.varlist.add(local_typename, '*' + pname + ' = NULL')
+            info.varlist.add('PyObject', '*py_' + pname + ' = Py_None')
+            info.codebefore.append(self.cb % {'name':  pname,
+                                              'cb_name':  info.function_c_name})
+        elif pnull:
             info.varlist.add(local_typename, '*' + pname + ' = NULL')
             info.varlist.add('PyObject', '*py_' + pname + ' = Py_None')
             info.codebefore.append(self.null % {'name':  pname,
@@ -722,7 +736,7 @@
     atom = ('    %(name)s = pygdk_atom_from_pyobject(py_%(name)s);\n'
             '    if (PyErr_Occurred())\n'
             '        return NULL;\n')
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pdflt:
             info.varlist.add('GdkAtom', pname + ' = ' + pdflt)
             info.varlist.add('PyObject', '*py_' + pname + ' = NULL')
@@ -745,7 +759,7 @@
 class GTypeArg(ArgType):
     gtype = ('    if ((%(name)s = pyg_type_from_object(py_%(name)s)) == 0)\n'
              '        return NULL;\n')
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         info.varlist.add('GType', pname)
         info.varlist.add('PyObject', '*py_' + pname + ' = NULL')
         info.codebefore.append(self.gtype % {'name': pname})
@@ -759,7 +773,7 @@
 class GErrorArg(ArgType):
     handleerror = ('    if (pyg_error_check(&%(name)s))\n'
                    '        return NULL;\n')
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         info.varlist.add('GError', '*' + pname + ' = NULL')
         info.arglist.append('&' + pname)
         info.codeafter.append(self.handleerror % { 'name': pname })
@@ -782,7 +796,7 @@
                 '        gtk_tree_path_free(%(name)s);\n')
     def __init__(self):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pnull:
             info.varlist.add('GtkTreePath', '*' + pname + ' = NULL')
             info.varlist.add('PyObject', '*py_' + pname + ' = Py_None')
@@ -823,7 +837,7 @@
               '        %(name)s = &%(name)s_rect;\n'
               '    else\n'
               '            return NULL;\n')
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         if pnull:
             info.varlist.add('GdkRectangle', pname + '_rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }')
             info.varlist.add('GdkRectangle', '*' + pname)
@@ -844,7 +858,7 @@
         info.codeafter.append('    return pyg_boxed_new(GDK_TYPE_RECTANGLE, &ret, TRUE, TRUE);')
 class PyObjectArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         info.varlist.add('PyObject', '*' + pname)
         info.add_parselist('O', ['&' + pname], [pname])
@@ -862,7 +876,7 @@
                                   '    return ret;')
 class CairoArg(ArgType):
-    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info):
+    def write_param(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, info, piscb):
         info.varlist.add('PycairoContext', '*' + pname)
         info.add_parselist('O!', ['&PycairoContext_Type', '&' + pname], [pname])
         info.arglist.append('%s->ctx' % pname)
@@ -901,9 +915,8 @@
             self.register(ptype, FlagsArg(ptype, typecode))
     def register_object(self, ptype, parent, typecode):
-        #fd = open("/tmp/debug.log","a")
-        #fd.write("ptype: " + str(ptype) + ", parent:" + str(parent) + ", typecode: " + str(typecode) + "\n")
-        #fd.close()
+        #import sys
+        #sys.stderr.write("ptype: " + str(ptype) + ", parent:" + str(parent) + ", typecode: " + str(typecode) + "\n")
         oa = ObjectArg(ptype, parent, typecode)
         self.register(ptype, oa)  # in case I forget the * in the .defs
         self.register(ptype+'*', oa)

Modified: trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/codegen.py
--- trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/codegen.py	2008-12-19 05:15:47 UTC (rev 4878)
+++ trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/codegen.py	2008-12-23 09:24:23 UTC (rev 4879)
@@ -204,6 +204,16 @@
+    cb_function_tmpl = (
+        'static PyObject *%(cb_name)s_obj = NULL;\n\n'
+        'void %(c_name)s_cb(void)\n'
+        '{\n'
+        '    PyObject *arglist = NULL;\n\n'
+        '    if (%(cb_name)s_obj != NULL)\n'
+	'        PyEval_CallObject(%(cb_name)s_obj, arglist);\n'
+        '}\n\n'
+        )
     virtual_accessor_tmpl = (
         'static PyObject *\n'
         '_wrap_%(cname)s(PyObject *cls%(extraparams)s)\n'
@@ -277,9 +287,10 @@
         # Maybe this could be done in a nicer way, but I'll leave it as it is
         # for now: -- Johan
-        if not self.overrides.slot_is_overriden('%s.tp_init' %
-                                                self.objinfo.c_name):
-            substdict['tp_init'] = self.write_constructor()
+        if not self.overrides.slot_is_overriden('%s.tp_init' % self.objinfo.c_name):
+           #import sys
+           #sys.stderr.write("tp_init: " + str(self.objinfo.c_name) + "\n")
+           substdict['tp_init'] = self.write_constructor()
         substdict['tp_methods'] = self.write_methods()
         substdict['tp_getset'] = self.write_getsets()
@@ -302,7 +313,7 @@
-    def write_function_wrapper(self, function_obj, template,
+    def write_function_wrapper(self, function_obj, template, cb_template,
                                handle_return=0, is_method=0, kwargs_needed=0,
         '''This function is the guts of all functions that generate
@@ -310,6 +321,8 @@
         if not substdict: substdict = {}
         info = argtypes.WrapperInfo()
+	info.function_c_name = function_obj.c_name
+	info.piscb = 0
         substdict.setdefault('errorreturn', 'NULL')
@@ -328,9 +341,11 @@
             if param.pdflt != None and '|' not in info.parsestr:
                 info.add_parselist('|', [], [])
             handler = argtypes.matcher.get(param.ptype)
+	    if param.piscb:
+	      info.piscb += 1
 	    #fd.write("pname: " + param.pname + "; ptype: " + str(param.ptype) + "; pdflt: " + str(param.pdflt) + "; pnull: " + str(param.pnull) + "; handler: " + str(handler) + "\n")
             handler.write_param(param.ptype, param.pname, param.pdflt,
-                                param.pnull, info)
+                                param.pnull, info, param.piscb)
 	#fd.write("arglist 2: " + str(info.get_arglist()) + "\n")
@@ -367,7 +382,19 @@
         substdict['varlist'] = info.get_varlist()
         substdict['typecodes'] = info.parsestr
         substdict['parselist'] = info.get_parselist()
         substdict['arglist'] = info.get_arglist()
+	substdict['cb_code'] = ""
+	# TODO: deal with more arguments
+	if info.piscb > 0:
+	  substdict['arglist'] = ", &" + function_obj.c_name + "_cb"
+	  substdict['cb_code'] = cb_template % {'c_name': function_obj.c_name,
+	                                        'cb_name': function_obj.c_name}
+	  template = substdict['cb_code'] + template
+          sys.stderr.write("cb_code: %s\n" % substdict['cb_code'])
         substdict['codebefore'] = deprecated + (
             'return NULL', 'return ' + substdict['errorreturn'])
@@ -389,19 +416,26 @@
             substdict['extraparams'] = ''
             flags = 'METH_NOARGS'
-	#fd.write("arglist: " + str(info.get_arglist()) + "\n")
 	#for key,item in substdict.iteritems():
-	#	fd.write("key: " + str(key) + ", item: " + str(item) + "\n")
-        #fd.close()
+		#sys.stderr.write("key: " + str(key) + ", item: " + str(item) + "\n")
+        if info.piscb > 0:
+           sys.stderr.write("template: %s\n" % (template % substdict))
+	   #sys.stderr.write("cb_code (again): %s\n" % substdict['cb_code'])
+	   #substdict['callback_code'] = 'balbla'
+	   #for key,item in substdict.iteritems():
+		#sys.stderr.write("key: " + str(key) + ", item: " + str(item) + "\n")
         return template % substdict, flags
     def write_constructor(self):
         initfunc = '0'
+	#import sys
+	#sys.stderr.write("searching constructor ...\n")
         constructor = self.parser.find_constructor(self.objinfo,self.overrides)
         if not constructor:
             return self.write_default_constructor()
+	#sys.stderr.write("constructor: " + str(constructor.c_name) + "\n")
         funcname = constructor.c_name
             if self.overrides.is_overriden(funcname):
@@ -430,6 +464,7 @@
                             constructor.c_name + '\n')
                 # write constructor from template ...
+		#sys.stderr.write("constructor: " + str(funcname) + ", tmpl:" + str(self.constructor_tmpl) + "\n")
                 code = self.write_function_wrapper(constructor,
                     handle_return=0, is_method=0, kwargs_needed=1,
@@ -505,8 +540,8 @@
                     # write constructor from template ...
                     code, methflags = self.write_function_wrapper(meth,
-                        self.method_tmpl, handle_return=1, is_method=1,
-                        substdict=self.get_initial_method_substdict(meth))
+                        self.method_tmpl, self.cb_function_tmpl, handle_return=1,
+			is_method=1, substdict=self.get_initial_method_substdict(meth))
                 methods.append(self.methdef_tmpl %
                                { 'name':  fixname(meth.name),
@@ -856,7 +891,7 @@
                     # write constructor from template ...
                     code, methflags = self.write_function_wrapper(func,
-                        self.function_tmpl, handle_return=1, is_method=0)
+                        self.function_tmpl, self.cb_function_tmpl, handle_return=1, is_method=0)
                 functions.append((func.name, '_wrap_' + funcname,
                                   methflags, func.docstring))

Modified: trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/definitions.py
--- trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/definitions.py	2008-12-19 05:15:47 UTC (rev 4878)
+++ trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/definitions.py	2008-12-23 09:24:23 UTC (rev 4879)
@@ -14,12 +14,13 @@
 # New Parameter class, wich emulates a tuple for compatibility reasons
 class Parameter(object):
-    def __init__(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, pdir=None):
+    def __init__(self, ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, pdir=None, piscb=0):
         self.ptype = ptype
         self.pname = pname
         self.pdflt = pdflt
         self.pnull = pnull
         self.pdir = pdir
+	self.piscb = piscb
     def __len__(self): return 4
     def __getitem__(self, i):
@@ -309,15 +310,19 @@
                     pdflt = None
                     pnull = 0
                     pdir = None
+		    piscb = 0
                     for farg in parg[2:]:
-                        assert isinstance(farg, tuple)
-                        if farg[0] == 'default':
-                            pdflt = farg[1]
-                        elif farg[0] == 'null-ok':
-                            pnull = 1
-                        elif farg[0] == 'direction':
-                            pdir = farg[1]
-                    self.params.append(Parameter(ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, pdir))
+			if farg == 'is_callback':
+			    piscb = 1
+			    continue
+			assert isinstance(farg, tuple)
+			if farg[0] == 'default':
+			    pdflt = farg[1]
+			elif farg[0] == 'null-ok':
+			    pnull = 1
+			elif farg[0] == 'direction':
+			    pdir = farg[1]
+                    self.params.append(Parameter(ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull, pdir, piscb))
             elif arg[0] == 'varargs':
                 self.varargs = arg[1] in ('t', '#t')
             elif arg[0] == 'deprecated':

Modified: trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/h2def.py
--- trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/h2def.py	2008-12-19 05:15:47 UTC (rev 4878)
+++ trunk/src/host/pye17/codegen/h2def.py	2008-12-23 09:24:23 UTC (rev 4879)
@@ -482,11 +482,14 @@
 				callback = argument.find('(')
 				if callback > -1:
 					func_name_end = argument.find(')')
-					argument = 'void* callback_' + argument[callback+1:func_name_end].lstrip("* ")
-				spaces = string.count(argument, ' ')
-				if spaces > 1:
-					argument = string.replace(argument, ' ', '-', spaces - 1)
-				#print "argument: " + argument + "; num spaces: " + str(spaces)
+					argument = 'void* cb_' + argument[callback+1:func_name_end].lstrip("* ") + ' *is_callback*'
+				else:
+					spaces = string.count(argument, ' ')
+					if spaces > 1:
+						argument = string.replace(argument, ' ', '-', spaces - 1)
+					#print "argument: " + argument + "; num spaces: " + str(spaces)
+				#sys.stderr.write('append argument: ' + argument + '\n')
 		# look for callback parameters
@@ -552,6 +555,10 @@
             l = len(self.prefix) + 1
             if mname[:l] == self.prefix and mname[l+1] == '_':
                 mname = mname[l+1:]
+	if mname.find("callback") > -1:
+	  mname = mname.replace("callback", "cb")
         self.fp.write('(define-method ' + mname + '\n')
         self.fp.write('  (of-object "' + obj + '")\n')
         self.fp.write('  (c-name "' + name + '")\n')
@@ -576,14 +583,20 @@
             self.fp.write('  (parameters\n')
             for arg in args:
                 if arg != '...':
-                    tupleArg = tuple(string.split(arg))
-                    if len(tupleArg) == 2:
+		    tupleArg = tuple(string.split(arg))
+		    is_callback = 0
+		    if len(tupleArg) == 3 and tupleArg[2] == "*is_callback*":
+		      is_callback = 1
+                    if len(tupleArg) == 2 or is_callback:
 			var_type = tupleArg[0]
 			# some variable types are not supported
 			#if var_type == "unsigned-int":
 				#var_type = "guint" # see gtypes.h
 			#print "var type: " + var_type
-                        self.fp.write('    \'("%s" "%s")\n' % (var_type, tupleArg[1]))
+                        self.fp.write('    \'("%s" "%s"' % (var_type, tupleArg[1]))
+			if is_callback:
+			  self.fp.write(' "is_callback"')
+			self.fp.write(')\n')
             self.fp.write('  )\n')
         if is_varargs:
             self.fp.write('  (varargs #t)\n')

Modified: trunk/src/host/pye17/ecore_evas/ecore_evas.override
--- trunk/src/host/pye17/ecore_evas/ecore_evas.override	2008-12-19 05:15:47 UTC (rev 4878)
+++ trunk/src/host/pye17/ecore_evas/ecore_evas.override	2008-12-23 09:24:23 UTC (rev 4879)
@@ -86,3 +86,4 @@
     return (PyObject *)new_self;

Modified: trunk/src/host/pye17/examples/ecore_evas/simple_window.py
--- trunk/src/host/pye17/examples/ecore_evas/simple_window.py	2008-12-19 05:15:47 UTC (rev 4878)
+++ trunk/src/host/pye17/examples/ecore_evas/simple_window.py	2008-12-23 09:24:23 UTC (rev 4879)
@@ -3,12 +3,17 @@
 import ecore
 import ecore_evas
+def on_resize():
+  print "resizing window"
   window = ecore_evas.software_x11_16_new(500,500)
   window = ecore_evas.software_x11_new(500,500)

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