r5340 - trunk/gta02-core

daveb at docs.openmoko.org daveb at docs.openmoko.org
Thu Jul 30 00:27:01 CEST 2009

Author: daveb
Date: 2009-07-30 00:27:00 +0200 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 5340

vibrator cleanup from Rask Ingemann Lambertsen <ccc94453 at vip.cybercity.dk>

Modified: trunk/gta02-core/io.sch
--- trunk/gta02-core/io.sch	2009-07-29 21:06:50 UTC (rev 5339)
+++ trunk/gta02-core/io.sch	2009-07-29 22:27:00 UTC (rev 5340)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 2  date Wed 29 Jul 2009 22:05:14 BST
+EESchema Schematic File Version 2  date Wed 29 Jul 2009 23:25:28 BST
 EELAYER 24  0
@@ -13,9 +13,24 @@
 Comment3 ""
 Comment4 ""
-Text Notes 3950 9800 0    50   ~ 0
-Connect CLKOUT1 to \nUEXTCLK - ecn0025
 Wire Wire Line
+	12200 2150 12400 2150
+Wire Wire Line
+	13250 2600 13750 2600
+Connection ~ 13500 2600
+Wire Wire Line
+	13500 2600 13500 2800
+Wire Wire Line
+	13250 1700 13250 1900
+Connection ~ 12650 1700
+Wire Wire Line
+	12850 2750 12850 2500
+Connection ~ 12400 1700
+Wire Wire Line
+	12400 2150 12400 2700
+Wire Wire Line
+	12850 3500 12850 3250
+Wire Wire Line
 	4050 9600 3850 9600
 Wire Wire Line
 	3850 9600 3850 9550
@@ -109,9 +124,6 @@
 	13850 9800 13850 9550
 Wire Wire Line
 	14250 9550 13650 9550
-Connection ~ 14150 2450
-Wire Wire Line
-	14150 2450 14150 2200
 Connection ~ 14500 9950
 Wire Wire Line
 	14500 10150 14500 9950
@@ -126,13 +138,7 @@
 	3900 8250 3900 8050
 Wire Wire Line
 	4050 8900 3850 8900
-Connection ~ 13700 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	12850 2100 12850 2700
-Connection ~ 13700 2350
-Wire Wire Line
-	14350 2350 12400 2350
-Wire Wire Line
 	14250 5850 14150 5850
 Wire Wire Line
 	13550 8250 13550 7600
@@ -175,20 +181,6 @@
 	14350 5300 14150 5300
 Wire Wire Line
 	14150 5300 14150 5850
-Connection ~ 13050 3450
-Wire Wire Line
-	13050 3450 13050 3650
-Connection ~ 12850 3450
-Wire Wire Line
-	12850 3450 12850 3100
-Wire Wire Line
-	13950 3150 13950 3450
-Wire Wire Line
-	13950 3450 12400 3450
-Wire Wire Line
-	12400 3450 12400 3200
-Wire Wire Line
-	13700 2350 13700 2650
 Connection ~ 5150 3900
 Wire Wire Line
 	5150 4100 5150 3750
@@ -244,18 +236,8 @@
 	5600 4100 5600 3900
 Connection ~ 5600 3900
 Wire Wire Line
-	11600 2850 11850 2850
+	11600 2950 11850 2950
 Wire Wire Line
-	12400 2350 12400 2600
-Connection ~ 12850 2450
-Wire Wire Line
-	13700 3450 13700 3150
-Connection ~ 13700 3450
-Wire Wire Line
-	13950 2450 13950 2650
-Connection ~ 13950 2450
-Connection ~ 13050 3450
-Wire Wire Line
 	14250 9650 14050 9650
 Wire Wire Line
 	14050 9650 14050 9950
@@ -284,8 +266,6 @@
 Wire Wire Line
 	13950 8450 13950 7600
 Wire Wire Line
-	12850 2450 14350 2450
-Wire Wire Line
 	4050 9400 3850 9400
 Wire Wire Line
 	4250 8350 4250 8050
@@ -296,13 +276,6 @@
 Wire Wire Line
 	6550 7650 6550 7850
 Wire Wire Line
-	14150 2200 13950 2200
-Wire Wire Line
-	13550 2200 13350 2200
-Wire Wire Line
-	13350 2200 13350 2350
-Connection ~ 13350 2350
-Wire Wire Line
 	14050 9350 14050 9550
 Connection ~ 14050 9550
 Wire Wire Line
@@ -386,6 +359,49 @@
 	4950 5550 4950 5450
 Wire Wire Line
 	4950 5450 6250 5450
+Wire Wire Line
+	12650 1700 12650 1900
+Wire Wire Line
+	12400 1500 12400 2050
+Connection ~ 13250 1700
+Wire Wire Line
+	12850 2500 12400 2500
+Connection ~ 12400 2500
+Wire Wire Line
+	12650 2300 12650 2500
+Connection ~ 12650 2500
+Wire Wire Line
+	13250 2600 13250 2400
+Wire Wire Line
+	13750 2600 13750 2300
+Wire Wire Line
+	13750 1900 13750 1700
+Wire Wire Line
+	12400 3300 12400 3500
+Wire Wire Line
+	13750 1700 12400 1700
+Wire Wire Line
+	12400 2050 12200 2050
+U 1 1 4A70CC15
+P 13500 2800
+F 0 "#PWR?" H 13500 2800 30  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 13500 2730 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    13500 2800
+	1    0    0    -1  
+U 1 1 4A70CC08
+P 12400 3500
+F 0 "#PWR?" H 12400 3500 30  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 12400 3430 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    12400 3500
+	1    0    0    -1  
+Text Notes 3950 9800 0    50   ~ 0
+Connect CLKOUT1 to \nUEXTCLK - ecn0025
 Text GLabel 4050 9600 2    60   Input ~ 0
@@ -763,83 +779,83 @@
 	1    14750 7750
 	1    0    0    -1  
-Text GLabel 11600 2850 0    60   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 11600 2950 0    60   Input ~ 0
 Text Notes 1700 1700 0    200  ~ 40
 U 1 1 4A4308D5
-P 13050 3650
-F 0 "#PWR?" H 13050 3650 30  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 13050 3580 30  0001 C CNN
-	1    13050 3650
+P 12850 3500
+F 0 "#PWR?" H 12850 3500 30  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 12850 3430 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    12850 3500
 	1    0    0    -1  
 U 1 1 4A430837
-P 12850 2100
-F 0 "#PWR?" H 12850 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "VB" H 12850 2250 50  0000 C CNN
-	1    12850 2100
+P 12400 1500
+F 0 "#PWR?" H 12400 1400 50  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "VB" H 12400 1650 50  0000 C CNN
+	1    12400 1500
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L KEV040209151A D4602
 U 1 1 4A4307AE
-P 13950 2900
-F 0 "D4602" V 14050 2700 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "151pF" V 13950 2700 50  0000 C CNN
-F 4 "6.5Vac" V 13850 2700 50  0000 C CNN "Field1"
-	1    13950 2900
+P 13250 2150
+F 0 "D4602" V 13350 1950 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "151pF" V 13250 1950 50  0000 C CNN
+F 4 "6.5Vac" V 13150 1950 50  0000 C CNN "Field1"
+	1    13250 2150
 	0    -1   -1   0   
 L C C4601
 U 1 1 4A430741
-P 12850 2900
-F 0 "C4601" H 12900 3000 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "10p" H 12900 2800 50  0000 L CNN
-	1    12850 2900
+P 13750 2100
+F 0 "C4601" H 13800 2200 50  0000 L CNN
+F 1 "10p" H 13800 2000 50  0000 L CNN
+	1    13750 2100
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L DIODE D4603
 U 1 1 4A4077FE
-P 13750 2200
-F 0 "D4603" H 13750 2400 40  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "1SS400" H 13750 2300 40  0000 C CNN
-	1    13750 2200
-	1    0    0    -1  
+P 12650 2100
+F 0 "D4603" V 12700 1900 40  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "1SS400" V 12600 1900 40  0000 C CNN
+	1    12650 2100
+	0    -1   -1   0   
 L KEV040209151A D4601
 U 1 1 4A4077E9
-P 13700 2900
-F 0 "D4601" V 13800 3100 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "151pF" V 13700 3100 50  0000 C CNN
-F 4 "6.5Vac" V 13600 3100 50  0000 C CNN "Field1"
-	1    13700 2900
+P 12850 3000
+F 0 "D4601" V 12950 3200 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "151pF" V 12850 3200 50  0000 C CNN
+F 4 "6.5Vac" V 12750 3200 50  0000 C CNN "Field1"
+	1    12850 3000
 	0    -1   -1   0   
 L DTC123JETL Q4601
 U 1 1 4A407670
-P 12200 2850
-F 0 "Q4601" H 12100 3075 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "DTC123JETL" H 12000 2550 60  0000 C CNN
-	1    12200 2850
+P 12200 2950
+F 0 "Q4601" H 12100 3175 60  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "DTC123JETL" H 12000 2650 60  0000 C CNN
+	1    12200 2950
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L P0408B-13-P2H VB4601
 U 1 1 4A40763A
-P 14800 2400
-F 0 "VB4601" H 14800 2650 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "P0408B-13-P2H" H 14800 2150 60  0000 C CNN
-	1    14800 2400
-	1    0    0    -1  
+P 11750 2100
+F 0 "VB4601" H 11750 1850 60  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "P0408B-13-P2H" H 11750 2350 60  0000 C CNN
+	1    11750 2100
+	-1   0    0    1   

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