r5180 - trunk/gta02-core

rehar at docs.openmoko.org rehar at docs.openmoko.org
Mon Jun 22 02:32:13 CEST 2009

Author: rehar
Date: 2009-06-22 02:32:13 +0200 (Mon, 22 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 5180

fixed some bugs and did some design changes werner mentioned

Modified: trunk/gta02-core/usb.sch
--- trunk/gta02-core/usb.sch	2009-06-21 23:41:12 UTC (rev 5179)
+++ trunk/gta02-core/usb.sch	2009-06-22 00:32:13 UTC (rev 5180)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 2  date Sat 20 Jun 2009 11:47:25 CDT
+EESchema Schematic File Version 2  date Sun 21 Jun 2009 19:29:56 CDT
 EELAYER 24  0
 $Descr A3 16535 11700
-Sheet 2 7
+Sheet 8 8
 Title ""
 Date ""
 Rev ""
@@ -13,276 +13,266 @@
 Comment3 ""
 Comment4 ""
+Connection ~ 12100 4750
 Wire Wire Line
-	6150 8800 6150 8250
+	12100 4750 11850 4750
 Wire Wire Line
-	6000 9550 6000 8500
+	11850 4750 11850 4450
 Wire Wire Line
-	6850 8600 6850 8000
+	2400 8200 2550 8200
 Wire Wire Line
-	5550 3700 5050 3700
+	2550 8200 2550 8350
 Wire Wire Line
-	5050 3700 5050 4500
-Connection ~ 10600 3550
+	2550 8350 3900 8350
+Connection ~ 9650 3850
 Wire Wire Line
-	10600 3150 10600 3550
+	9650 4550 9650 3850
 Wire Wire Line
-	4500 1650 4500 1450
+	6400 8200 6400 8000
 Wire Wire Line
-	11850 2200 9900 2200
+	7400 8600 7400 7400
+Connection ~ 7400 2500
 Wire Wire Line
-	11850 2800 11500 2800
+	7400 2000 7400 2500
+Connection ~ 6950 2200
 Wire Wire Line
-	11500 2800 11500 4550
-Connection ~ 9000 3550
+	6950 2000 6950 2200
 Wire Wire Line
-	9250 3550 9000 3550
-Connection ~ 9650 3700
+	4850 4500 5050 4500
 Wire Wire Line
-	9650 4550 9650 3700
-Connection ~ 11500 4000
-Connection ~ 10250 3550
+	4500 3250 4500 2950
 Wire Wire Line
-	10250 4550 10250 3550
+	9900 2500 11850 2500
 Wire Wire Line
-	9400 2500 5950 2500
+	11500 4000 12100 4000
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 7050 11800 8550
-Connection ~ 13450 4150
+	9000 4550 9000 3200
+Connection ~ 10900 3700
 Wire Wire Line
-	13250 4150 13450 4150
-Connection ~ 13450 3700
+	10900 4550 10900 3700
 Wire Wire Line
-	13250 3700 13450 3700
+	9400 2200 5950 2200
+Connection ~ 13450 4000
 Wire Wire Line
-	9850 3550 12100 3550
-Connection ~ 7950 2200
+	13250 4000 13450 4000
 Wire Wire Line
-	3500 2050 3500 2350
+	13250 3550 13450 3550
 Wire Wire Line
-	3500 2350 3900 2350
-Connection ~ 3700 2500
-Connection ~ 7800 3850
+	13450 3550 13450 5250
+Connection ~ 7800 2500
+Connection ~ 3500 2050
 Wire Wire Line
-	7800 2500 7800 3850
+	3250 2050 3900 2050
 Wire Wire Line
-	7450 3850 12100 3850
+	3700 3250 3700 2200
 Wire Wire Line
-	5100 2500 5450 2500
+	3700 2200 3900 2200
 Wire Wire Line
-	5550 3850 5350 3850
+	3700 2500 3900 2500
 Wire Wire Line
-	4200 5250 4200 5050
+	12100 3700 7950 3700
 Wire Wire Line
-	11500 5250 11500 5050
+	7950 3700 7950 2200
 Wire Wire Line
-	10900 5250 10900 5050
+	6750 3850 6950 3850
 Wire Wire Line
-	9650 5250 9650 5050
+	5100 2200 5450 2200
 Wire Wire Line
-	6150 4500 6150 4300
+	5350 4050 5350 3850
 Wire Wire Line
-	4200 3950 4200 3750
+	12100 5250 12100 4150
 Wire Wire Line
-	3350 4400 3600 4400
-Connection ~ 11250 8350
+	10250 5250 10250 5050
 Wire Wire Line
-	10600 8350 12000 8350
-Connection ~ 11800 8000
+	9000 5250 9000 5050
 Wire Wire Line
-	12650 8900 12650 8700
-Connection ~ 13600 8000
+	6150 3350 6150 3150
 Wire Wire Line
-	14450 8000 13300 8000
-Connection ~ 13500 8350
-Connection ~ 14050 8350
+	3350 4600 3600 4600
 Wire Wire Line
-	14050 8350 13300 8350
+	11800 9250 11800 9050
 Wire Wire Line
-	13500 9150 13500 8950
+	11250 8350 11250 8550
 Wire Wire Line
-	13600 8000 13600 7800
+	11800 8000 12000 8000
 Wire Wire Line
-	11250 9250 11250 9050
+	13600 7300 13600 7100
 Wire Wire Line
-	2400 8300 2650 8300
+	14050 9150 14050 8950
 Wire Wire Line
-	2650 8300 2650 8350
+	14050 8550 14050 7100
 Wire Wire Line
-	2650 8350 3900 8350
+	13500 8350 13500 8550
 Wire Wire Line
-	4500 7400 4500 7200
+	5100 7400 5100 7200
 Wire Wire Line
-	4500 6950 4300 6950
+	5100 6950 5300 6950
 Wire Wire Line
-	4300 6950 4300 7200
+	5300 6950 5300 7200
 Wire Wire Line
-	4300 7200 4600 7200
-Connection ~ 2750 8350
+	5300 7200 5000 7200
+Connection ~ 4500 7200
 Wire Wire Line
-	2750 8000 2750 8350
-Connection ~ 5100 7200
+	4600 7400 4600 7200
+Connection ~ 6400 8800
 Wire Wire Line
-	5000 7400 5000 7200
+	6400 8900 6400 8700
+Connection ~ 6000 8600
 Wire Wire Line
-	6150 8800 6400 8800
+	5800 8500 6000 8500
+Connection ~ 3200 8150
 Wire Wire Line
-	6150 8250 5800 8250
+	3200 8150 3900 8150
+Connection ~ 3200 7850
 Wire Wire Line
-	6000 8600 5800 8600
-Connection ~ 3200 7950
+	3200 7850 3900 7850
 Wire Wire Line
-	3200 7950 3900 7950
+	3700 8750 3700 8550
 Wire Wire Line
-	3200 8800 3200 7150
-Connection ~ 7400 7800
+	3700 8550 3900 8550
 Wire Wire Line
-	7400 7800 5800 7800
+	7400 9000 7400 9550
+Connection ~ 6400 8000
 Wire Wire Line
-	6850 9000 6850 9550
+	5800 8000 6850 8000
 Wire Wire Line
-	3700 9400 3700 9250
+	6400 9550 6400 9400
 Wire Wire Line
-	2750 7500 2750 7150
-Wire Wire Line
 	3200 9400 3200 9200
 Wire Wire Line
-	6400 9550 6400 9400
+	2750 7500 2750 7150
 Wire Wire Line
-	6850 8000 5800 8000
-Connection ~ 6400 8000
+	3700 9400 3700 9250
 Wire Wire Line
-	7400 9000 7400 9550
+	6850 9000 6850 9550
 Wire Wire Line
-	3900 8550 3700 8550
+	7400 7800 5800 7800
+Connection ~ 7400 7800
 Wire Wire Line
-	3700 8550 3700 8750
+	3200 8800 3200 7150
 Wire Wire Line
-	3200 7850 3900 7850
-Connection ~ 3200 7850
+	3200 7950 3900 7950
+Connection ~ 3200 7950
 Wire Wire Line
-	3200 8150 3900 8150
-Connection ~ 3200 8150
+	6000 8600 5800 8600
 Wire Wire Line
-	6000 8500 5800 8500
-Connection ~ 6000 8600
+	5800 8250 6150 8250
 Wire Wire Line
-	6400 8900 6400 8700
-Connection ~ 6400 8800
+	6400 8800 6150 8800
 Wire Wire Line
-	4600 7200 4600 7400
-Connection ~ 4500 7200
+	5000 7200 5000 7400
+Connection ~ 5100 7200
 Wire Wire Line
-	5000 7200 5300 7200
+	2750 8000 2750 8350
+Connection ~ 2750 8350
 Wire Wire Line
-	5300 7200 5300 6950
+	4600 7200 4300 7200
 Wire Wire Line
-	5300 6950 5100 6950
+	4300 7200 4300 6950
 Wire Wire Line
-	5100 7400 5100 7200
+	4300 6950 4500 6950
 Wire Wire Line
-	2450 8500 2650 8500
+	4500 7400 4500 7200
 Wire Wire Line
-	2650 8500 2650 8450
+	11250 9250 11250 9050
 Wire Wire Line
-	2650 8450 3900 8450
+	13600 8000 13600 7800
 Wire Wire Line
-	13500 8350 13500 8550
+	13500 9150 13500 8950
 Wire Wire Line
-	14050 8550 14050 7100
+	14050 8350 13300 8350
+Connection ~ 14050 8350
+Connection ~ 13500 8350
 Wire Wire Line
-	14050 9150 14050 8950
+	14450 8000 13300 8000
+Connection ~ 13600 8000
 Wire Wire Line
-	13600 7300 13600 7100
+	12650 8900 12650 8700
+Connection ~ 11800 8000
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 8000 12000 8000
+	10600 8350 12000 8350
+Connection ~ 11250 8350
 Wire Wire Line
-	11250 8350 11250 8550
+	3350 4400 3600 4400
 Wire Wire Line
-	11800 9250 11800 9050
+	4200 3950 4200 3750
 Wire Wire Line
-	3350 4600 3600 4600
+	6150 4500 6150 4300
 Wire Wire Line
-	6150 3350 6150 3150
+	9650 5250 9650 5050
 Wire Wire Line
-	9000 5250 9000 5050
+	10900 5250 10900 5050
 Wire Wire Line
-	10250 5250 10250 5050
+	11500 5250 11500 5050
 Wire Wire Line
-	12100 5250 12100 4150
+	4200 5250 4200 5050
 Wire Wire Line
-	5350 3850 5350 4050
+	5350 3850 5550 3850
 Wire Wire Line
-	5100 2200 5450 2200
+	5100 2500 5450 2500
 Wire Wire Line
-	6750 3850 6950 3850
+	7450 3850 12100 3850
 Wire Wire Line
-	7950 2200 7950 3700
+	7800 2500 7800 3850
+Connection ~ 7800 3850
+Connection ~ 3700 2500
 Wire Wire Line
-	7950 3700 12100 3700
+	3900 2350 3500 2350
 Wire Wire Line
-	3700 2500 3900 2500
+	3500 2350 3500 2050
+Connection ~ 7950 2200
 Wire Wire Line
-	3900 2200 3700 2200
+	9850 3550 12100 3550
 Wire Wire Line
-	3700 2200 3700 3250
+	13250 3700 13450 3700
+Connection ~ 13450 3700
 Wire Wire Line
-	3250 2050 3900 2050
-Connection ~ 3500 2050
-Connection ~ 7800 2500
+	13250 4150 13450 4150
+Connection ~ 13450 4150
 Wire Wire Line
-	13450 5250 13450 3550
+	11800 7050 11800 8550
 Wire Wire Line
-	13450 3550 13250 3550
+	9400 2500 5950 2500
 Wire Wire Line
-	13250 4000 13450 4000
-Connection ~ 13450 4000
+	10250 4550 10250 3550
+Connection ~ 10250 3550
+Connection ~ 11500 4000
 Wire Wire Line
-	9400 2200 5950 2200
+	9250 3550 9000 3550
+Connection ~ 9000 3550
 Wire Wire Line
-	10900 4550 10900 3700
-Connection ~ 10900 3700
+	11500 4550 11500 2800
 Wire Wire Line
-	9000 4550 9000 3200
+	11500 2800 11850 2800
 Wire Wire Line
-	11500 4000 12100 4000
+	11850 2200 9900 2200
 Wire Wire Line
-	9900 2500 11850 2500
+	4500 1650 4500 1450
 Wire Wire Line
-	4500 3250 4500 2950
+	5050 4500 5050 3700
 Wire Wire Line
-	5050 4500 4850 4500
+	5050 3700 5550 3700
 Wire Wire Line
-	6950 2000 6950 2200
-Connection ~ 6950 2200
+	6850 8000 6850 8600
 Wire Wire Line
-	11050 3350 11050 3150
+	6000 8500 6000 9550
 Wire Wire Line
-	7400 2000 7400 2500
-Connection ~ 7400 2500
+	6150 8800 6150 8250
 Wire Wire Line
-	7400 8600 7400 7400
+	2400 8450 3900 8450
 Wire Wire Line
-	6400 8200 6400 8000
+	11900 3350 11900 3550
+Connection ~ 11900 3550
 L TST H-TP4904
 U 1 1 4A3CFF0D
-P 11050 3150
-F 0 "H-TP4904" H 11050 3450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "TST" H 11050 3400 30  0001 C CNN
-	1    11050 3150
-	1    0    0    -1  
+P 11850 4450
+F 0 "H-TP4904" H 11850 4750 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "TST" H 11850 4700 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    11850 4450
+	-1   0    0    -1  
-U 1 1 4A3CFF07
-P 11050 3350
-F 0 "#PWR?" H 11050 3350 30  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 11050 3280 30  0001 C CNN
-	1    11050 3350
-	1    0    0    -1  
 L TST H-TP4902
 U 1 1 4A3CFACE
 P 6950 2000
@@ -303,10 +293,10 @@
 L TST H-TP4901
 U 1 1 4A3CFA97
-P 10600 3150
-F 0 "H-TP4901" H 10600 3450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "TST" H 10600 3400 30  0001 C CNN
-	1    10600 3150
+P 11900 3350
+F 0 "H-TP4901" H 11900 3650 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "TST" H 11900 3600 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    11900 3350
 	1    0    0    -1  
@@ -378,16 +368,16 @@
 U 1 1 4A3C5982
 P 9550 3550
-F 0 "B4902" V 9500 3550 40  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "KLB0603K601SA" V 9650 3550 40  0000 C CNN
+F 0 "B4902" V 9650 3550 40  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "KLB0603K601SA" V 9500 3550 40  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0603" V 9460 3510 60  0001 C CNN
 F 3 "http://www.kmax.com.tw/doc/07_KHB_Series.pdf" H 9550 3550 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    9550 3550
 	0    -1   -1   0   
-Text GLabel 11850 2200 2    60   Output ~ 0
+Text GLabel 11850 2200 2    60   BiDi ~ 0
-Text GLabel 11850 2500 2    60   Output ~ 0
+Text GLabel 11850 2500 2    60   BiDi ~ 0
 L R_US R4915
@@ -422,10 +412,10 @@
 	1    0    0    -1  
-L R_US R4905
+L R_US R4908
 U 1 1 4A3C5474
 P 5700 2200
-F 0 "R4905" H 5700 2300 50  0000 C CNN
+F 0 "R4908" H 5700 2300 50  0000 C CNN
 F 1 "15k" H 5700 2100 50  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 5650 2350 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    5700 2200
@@ -464,11 +454,10 @@
 U 1 1 4A3C35B0
 P 11500 4800
 F 0 "D4904" H 11500 4950 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "KEV040209151A" H 11500 4650 60  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "9V, 151pF" H 11500 4650 60  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 11440 5010 60  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "http://www.kmax.com.tw/doc/02_KEV_Series.pdf" H 9000 4800 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    11500 4800
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
@@ -511,44 +500,41 @@
 U 1 1 4A3C34CE
 P 10900 4800
 F 0 "D4902" H 10900 4950 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "KEV040209151A" H 10900 4650 60  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "9V, 151pF" H 10900 4650 60  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 10840 5010 60  0001 C CNN
 F 3 "http://www.kmax.com.tw/doc/02_KEV_Series.pdf" H 9000 4800 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    10900 4800
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
 L KEV040205331A D4903
 U 1 1 4A3C34CD
 P 10250 4800
 F 0 "D4903" H 10250 4950 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "KEV040205331A" H 10250 4650 60  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "5,6V, 331pF" H 10250 4650 60  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 10190 5010 60  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "http://www.kmax.com.tw/doc/02_KEV_Series.pdf" H 9000 4800 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    10250 4800
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
 L KEV040209151A D4901
 U 1 1 4A3C34A2
 P 9650 4800
 F 0 "D4901" H 9650 4950 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "KEV040209151A" H 9650 4650 60  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "9V, 151pF" H 9650 4650 60  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 9590 5010 60  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "http://www.kmax.com.tw/doc/02_KEV_Series.pdf" H 9000 4800 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    9650 4800
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
 L KEV040205331A C4902
 U 1 1 4A3C347A
 P 9000 4800
 F 0 "C4902" H 9000 4950 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "KEV040205331A" H 9000 4650 60  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "5.6V, 331pF" H 9000 4650 60  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 8940 5010 60  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "http://www.kmax.com.tw/doc/02_KEV_Series.pdf" H 9000 4800 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    9000 4800
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
@@ -598,7 +584,7 @@
 Text GLabel 3350 4600 0    60   Input ~ 0
 Text GLabel 3350 4400 0    60   Input ~ 0
 U 1 1 4A3C30FA
@@ -613,11 +599,10 @@
 U 1 1 4A3C309B
 P 11800 8800
 F 0 "C4909" H 11800 8950 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "KEV040205331A" H 11800 8650 60  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "5,6V, 331pF" H 11800 8650 60  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 11740 9010 60  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "http://www.kmax.com.tw/doc/02_KEV_Series.pdf" H 9000 4800 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    11800 8800
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
@@ -694,7 +679,7 @@
 F 1 "100k" H 13600 7450 50  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 13550 7700 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    13600 7550
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
@@ -713,7 +698,7 @@
 F 1 "100k" H 11250 8700 50  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 11200 8950 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    11250 8800
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
 Text GLabel 10600 8350 0    60   Input ~ 0
@@ -721,8 +706,8 @@
 U 1 1 4A3C1A2C
 P 4800 6950
-F 0 "L4901" V 4750 6950 40  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "2u2" V 4900 6950 40  0000 C CNN
+F 0 "L4901" V 4900 6950 40  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "2u2" V 4750 6950 40  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "1210" V 4710 6910 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    4800 6950
 	0    -1   -1   0   
@@ -783,7 +768,7 @@
 F 2 "0402" H 6400 9150 60  0001 C CNN
 F 4 "1%" H 6300 9050 50  0000 C CNN "Tolerance"
 	1    6400 9150
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
 L R_US R4917
@@ -794,7 +779,7 @@
 F 2 "0402" H 6400 8450 50  0001 C CNN
 F 4 "1%" H 6300 8350 50  0000 C CNN "Tolerance"
 	1    6400 8450
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
@@ -805,7 +790,7 @@
 	1    6000 9550
 	1    0    0    -1  
-Text GLabel 2450 8500 0    60   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2400 8450 0    60   Input ~ 0
@@ -820,7 +805,7 @@
 L C C4904
 U 1 1 4A3C168F
 P 3200 9000
-F 0 "C4904" H 2900 9100 50  0000 L CNN
+F 0 "C4904" H 3300 9100 50  0000 L CNN
 F 1 "22u" H 3250 8900 50  0000 L CNN
 F 2 "0805" H 3200 9000 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    3200 9000
@@ -843,9 +828,9 @@
 F 1 "14k" H 3750 8900 50  0000 C CNN
 F 4 "1%" H 3550 8900 50  0000 C CNN "Tolerance"
 	1    3700 9000
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   
-Text GLabel 2400 8300 0    60   Output ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2400 8200 0    60   Output ~ 0
 L R_US R4912
@@ -855,7 +840,7 @@
 F 1 "10k" H 2750 7650 50  0000 C CNN
 F 2 "0402" H 2750 7750 60  0001 C CNN
 	1    2750 7750
-	0    1    1    0   
+	0    -1   1    0   

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