r5214 - in trunk/gta02-core: . docs/ecn

rehar at docs.openmoko.org rehar at docs.openmoko.org
Fri Jun 26 00:00:30 CEST 2009

Author: rehar
Date: 2009-06-26 00:00:29 +0200 (Fri, 26 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 5214

updated ECN0022 and ECN0010, chaged status to discuss
moved R4116/R4117 behind R4407/R4405

Modified: trunk/gta02-core/audio.sch
--- trunk/gta02-core/audio.sch	2009-06-25 17:50:58 UTC (rev 5213)
+++ trunk/gta02-core/audio.sch	2009-06-25 22:00:29 UTC (rev 5214)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 2  date Do 25 Jun 2009 12:50:34 CDT
+EESchema Schematic File Version 2  date Do 25 Jun 2009 16:47:50 CDT
 EELAYER 24  0
@@ -13,6 +13,17 @@
 Comment3 ""
 Comment4 ""
+Connection ~ 13150 9000
+Wire Wire Line
+	13150 9300 13150 9000
+Connection ~ 12650 8600
+Wire Wire Line
+	13350 8600 12150 8600
+Connection ~ 14050 8600
+Wire Wire Line
+	14050 9300 14050 8600
+Wire Wire Line
+	13850 9000 14900 9000
 Connection ~ 9350 3950
 Wire Wire Line
 	9350 3950 9350 3650
@@ -116,12 +127,9 @@
 	3100 10550 3100 10350
 Wire Wire Line
 	2900 9250 2900 9650
-Connection ~ 14450 9000
 Wire Wire Line
-	14450 9000 14450 9300
+	14050 10050 14050 9800
 Wire Wire Line
-	13950 10050 13950 9800
-Wire Wire Line
 	10200 8150 14250 8150
 Connection ~ 14250 8150
 Wire Wire Line
@@ -129,18 +137,13 @@
 Wire Wire Line
 	14250 8700 14900 8700
 Wire Wire Line
-	12150 9000 12600 9000
-Connection ~ 13500 8600
-Wire Wire Line
-	13500 9300 13500 8600
-Wire Wire Line
 	10200 4950 9700 4950
 Wire Wire Line
 	9700 4950 9700 3950
 Wire Wire Line
 	9700 3950 8850 3950
 Wire Wire Line
-	14450 10050 14450 9800
+	13150 10050 13150 9800
 Wire Wire Line
 	14700 9300 14700 9100
 Wire Wire Line
@@ -455,10 +458,8 @@
 Wire Wire Line
 	9800 3850 9800 4800
 Wire Wire Line
-	13500 9800 13500 10050
+	12650 9800 12650 10050
 Wire Wire Line
-	12150 8600 12600 8600
-Wire Wire Line
 	14650 8900 14900 8900
 Wire Wire Line
 	14250 7200 14250 7450
@@ -467,13 +468,6 @@
 Wire Wire Line
 	8900 8150 9100 8150
 Wire Wire Line
-	14900 9000 13100 9000
-Wire Wire Line
-	13100 8600 14900 8600
-Wire Wire Line
-	13950 9300 13950 8600
-Connection ~ 13950 8600
-Wire Wire Line
 	2900 9150 2900 8750
 Wire Wire Line
 	3300 8950 3300 8750
@@ -605,6 +599,12 @@
 	12150 3200 12350 3200
 Wire Wire Line
 	12150 3150 11950 3150
+Wire Wire Line
+	13850 8600 14900 8600
+Wire Wire Line
+	12650 8600 12650 9300
+Wire Wire Line
+	12150 9000 13350 9000
 L EXC24CB102U B4102
 U 1 1 4A43AD85
@@ -997,20 +997,20 @@
 U 1 1 4A413D33
-P 13950 10050
-F 0 "#PWR?" H 13950 10050 30  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 13950 9980 30  0001 C CNN
-	1    13950 10050
+P 14050 10050
+F 0 "#PWR?" H 14050 10050 30  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 14050 9980 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    14050 10050
 	1    0    0    -1  
 U 1 1 4A413D29
-P 13950 9550
-F 0 "D4402" H 13950 9700 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "5.6Vac, 150pF" H 13950 9400 60  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "0402" H 13890 9760 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    13950 9550
+P 14050 9550
+F 0 "D4402" H 14050 9700 60  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "5.6Vac, 150pF" H 14050 9400 60  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "0402" H 13990 9760 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    14050 9550
 	0    1    1    0   
 Text GLabel 13250 7750 2    60   Output ~ 0
@@ -1109,40 +1109,40 @@
 L R_US R4405
 U 1 1 4A41220C
-P 12850 9000
-F 0 "R4405" H 12850 9100 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "0R" H 12850 8900 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "0402" H 12800 9150 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    12850 9000
+P 13600 9000
+F 0 "R4405" H 13600 9100 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "0R" H 13600 8900 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "0402" H 13550 9150 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    13600 9000
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L R_US R4407
 U 1 1 4A412206
-P 12850 8600
-F 0 "R4407" H 12850 8700 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "0R" H 12850 8500 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "0402" H 12800 8750 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    12850 8600
+P 13600 8600
+F 0 "R4407" H 13600 8700 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "0R" H 13600 8500 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "0402" H 13550 8750 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    13600 8600
 	1    0    0    -1  
 U 1 1 4A3F175F
-P 13500 10050
-F 0 "#PWR?" H 13500 10050 30  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 13500 9980 30  0001 C CNN
-	1    13500 10050
+P 12650 10050
+F 0 "#PWR?" H 12650 10050 30  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 12650 9980 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    12650 10050
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L R_US R4117
 U 1 1 4A3F1756
-P 13500 9550
-F 0 "R4117" H 13500 9650 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "1k" H 13500 9450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "0402" H 13450 9700 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    13500 9550
+P 12650 9550
+F 0 "R4117" H 12650 9650 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "1k" H 12650 9450 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "0402" H 12600 9700 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    12650 9550
 	0    -1   1    0   
 Text GLabel 9600 5200 2    60   Output ~ 0
@@ -1161,20 +1161,20 @@
 U 1 1 4A3F13DD
-P 14450 10050
-F 0 "#PWR?" H 14450 10050 30  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 14450 9980 30  0001 C CNN
-	1    14450 10050
+P 13150 10050
+F 0 "#PWR?" H 13150 10050 30  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 13150 9980 30  0001 C CNN
+	1    13150 10050
 	1    0    0    -1  
 L R_US R4116
 U 1 1 4A3F13C7
-P 14450 9550
-F 0 "R4116" H 14450 9650 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "1k" H 14450 9450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "0402" H 14400 9700 60  0001 C CNN
-	1    14450 9550
+P 13150 9550
+F 0 "R4116" H 13150 9650 50  0000 C CNN
+F 1 "1k" H 13150 9450 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "0402" H 13100 9700 60  0001 C CNN
+	1    13150 9550
 	0    -1   1    0   
 Text GLabel 9850 8650 0    60   Input ~ 0
@@ -1215,8 +1215,6 @@
 	1    15300 8850
 	1    0    0    -1  
-Text Notes 11650 9250 0    60   ~ 0
-f_cuttoff=50Hz \n@ C=100uF and\nZ_headphone=32 OHM?\nform factor @6.3V 1206\n\nMaybe better to switch to DC mode \nphysical cap size will get quit big. \n(problem: GND for MICRO????)
 L C C4110
 U 1 1 4A3EFB33

Modified: trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/STATUS
--- trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/STATUS	2009-06-25 17:50:58 UTC (rev 5213)
+++ trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/STATUS	2009-06-25 22:00:29 UTC (rev 5214)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 0007	Discuss	Remove KEEPACT net and connect PMU.KEEPACT directly to IO_3V3
 0008	Edit	Remove external GPS antenna connector and circuit (CON7602)
 0009	Discuss	Remove LED transistors (Q1501 and Q1502)
-0010	Edit	Remove audio amplifier (U4101)
+0010	Discuss	Remove audio amplifier (U4101)
 0011	Edit	Reduce number of varistors on USB_VBUS (C4902, C4909)
 0012	Defer	Add fuse to USB_VBUS
 0013	Defer	Increase rated current of B4902
@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@
 0019	Edit	Consider applying buzz fix
 0020	Discuss	No common mode choke on stereo signals (B4102)
 0021	Defer	Use EMI-hardened microphone (MC4301)
-0022	Edit	Apply bass fix
+0022	Discuss	Apply bass fix
 0023	Edit	Fix #1024 (C1009)

Modified: trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0010.txt
--- trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0010.txt	2009-06-25 17:50:58 UTC (rev 5213)
+++ trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0010.txt	2009-06-25 22:00:29 UTC (rev 5214)
@@ -7,24 +7,22 @@
 Removing the external amplifier (U4101) as well as the amplifier specific
 components R4114, R4112, R4109, R4108, R4110, R4113, C4117, C4111, C4110, C4110
-and C4115. Also there is no need for the AMP_SHUTDOWN and HP_IN signals anymore, the external
-speaker and headphone can be fully controlled by the corresponding register settings of the
-codec. (see [1])
+and C4115. Also there is no need for the AMP_SHUTDOWN and HP_IN signals anymore,
+the external speaker and headphone can be fully controlled by the corresponding
+register settings of the codec. (see [1])
-The GTA02 earpiece will be connected between OUT3 and ROUT1 of the codec, there will be
-no change on the filter and bypass capacitors.
+The GTA02 earpiece will be connected between OUT3 and LOUT1 of the codec, there
+will be no change of the filter and bypass capacitors.
 The external speaker will be connected directly between ROUT2 and LOUT2.
-Filter and capacitors will be the same.
+Filter, capacitors, and varistors will not be changed or replaced.
+The external headphone will be connected between ROUT1 and LOUT2, the common
+mode choke B4102 will be inserted in the stereo path of the headphone.
 [1] http://www.wolfsonmicro.com/uploads/documents/en/WM8753.pdf
-- Headphone switch to GPIO4
-- massive change of components (C4405,R4405 etc) headphone jack,
-  improve audio quality for low impedance headsets at low frequencies
-- reason for varistor on EP_L line
-- maybe increase the pull down resistors (R4117 and R4116) for high 
-  impedance headphones (Z >= 2k OHM).
\ No newline at end of file
+Author: Rene Harder <rehar at saweb.de>

Modified: trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0022.txt
--- trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0022.txt	2009-06-25 17:50:58 UTC (rev 5213)
+++ trunk/gta02-core/docs/ecn/ecn0022.txt	2009-06-25 22:00:29 UTC (rev 5214)
@@ -1,6 +1,25 @@
 Apply bass fix
-To do:
-- more details - what is actually involved ?
-- is this part of the switch to a "capless" design ?
+The GTA02 has a 1uF cap in the left and right audio path of the
+headphone, these caps act in combination with the headphone as high-pass
+filter, so they will attenuate the lower frequencies. For a headphone with
+32 Ohm impedance the resulting cutoff frequency will be 2.45kHz (incl. 33 Ohm
+internal R). This result in a poor audio quality if listening to music.
+Unfortunately we cannot switch to the dc coupled (capless) design because we
+share a common ground with the microphone. In capless mode we would be unable
+to bias the microphone properly. To solve this issue we would need a headset
+with a separate ground for microphone and headphone as well as a different
+headset jack.
+To improve the audio quality we need to replace C4111 and C4110 with a 100uF
+capacitor so the lower cutoff frequency with a 32 Ohm headphone will be at 50Hz
+(assumes R4407 & R4405 = 0R, see "Removal of Calypso serial interface on the
+headset jack")
+Author: Rene Harder <rehar at saweb.de>

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