Idea: Vibrator as keyboard click

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at
Sat Dec 30 22:55:21 CET 2006

Ole Tange wrote:
> The Neo only has a touch screen which makes it hard to feel if a key
> is pressed. A click sound can help, but sound can be annoying to your
> environment. Visual feedback helps, but it would be nice to feel it
> too.

> You could have the phone move slightly if the vibrator is activated
> for a very short time (e.g. 50 ms). This would give a silent, yet
> destinctive feedback.

That's a nice idea. I wonder a) whether the softest movement we can do
with the vibrator that would still not be interfering with operating
the device and b) how much power such an option would suck.


Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | IT-Freelancer |

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