tomtom on the Neo1973

Jeff Andros jeff at
Mon Apr 2 10:35:21 CEST 2007

there's been a long running discussion on getting java up and running...
what would be the possibility of tying into the gmaps mobile interface? does
anyone who reads licences better than I know if this violates the EULA?
maybe we could talk google into doing a custom version? they do it for quite
a few phone models

anyways, my 2 small stone wheels

On 4/2/07, Mike Hodson <mystica at> wrote:
> (I honestly hate gmails lack of replying to the proper address)
> On 4/2/07, Tehn Yit Chin <tehn.yit.chin at> wrote:
> > I don't mean this to be a flippant remark, but how about google map as
> > a OpenStreetMap replacement?
> Google Maps is not a collection of mapping data, it licenses and pays
> for from TeleAtlas and Navteq.
> TomTom gets their data from TeleAtlas.
> Gmaps is a web interface, whereas TomTom is a device interface.  Same
> backend data.
> Just to clarify things.
> Mike
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