Poky on the neo | e17 on openmoko

Florent THIERY fthiery at gmail.com
Sat Apr 7 17:46:45 CEST 2007

Hi, i was wondering if someone tried to use poky on the neo. I could
be a good work environment (for application testing, touchscreen
behaviour tweaking...)

I'd also be interested in porting/adapting e17 for openmoko; who's
interested in this project?

There's e17 tuning / fine compilation involved, as well as theming,
module developing (GPRS signal indicator, virtual keyboard, ...) and
(i hope not too much) some e17 patching for embedded needs (ex: input
methods related work - because of the touchscreen, always-fullscreen
operation, ...). If we can avoid forking, it would be great.



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