Canada OpenMoko

Chris Fazekas cfazekas at
Tue Apr 10 21:48:15 CEST 2007

Hi Nikolaus, et. all.

I may not first try to setup a build envrionment natively on OSX but
it's something I'm interested in trying.

I think my first goal is going to be creating a VMware image of a
distribution (Debian or CentOS at this point, maybe both) with the
development environment pre-installed.  This way myself and others can
get going quickly (with VMware Player for Windows and Linux for now).
I'll then upload the VM image somewhere after, maybe a .torrent or it
can go on the openmoko ftp server?

Additionally I'll look at creating a Parallels image for OSX, but as
Parallels cost's money, I'll also look at setting up a build
envrionment natively in OSX, perhaps wrapped inside .img file... time
will tell.

First priority, is to just get a development environment setup in a VMware VM.



On 4/10/07, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller <hns at> wrote:
> > available.  Until then, I'll read over the wiki and attempt to setup a
> > development environment in a VM on my MacBook.
> Please write a description how that really works!
> I am working to make a setup ("MacOE") on native MacOS X but failed
> so far.
> Nikolaus

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