OpenMoko light web server

Peter A Trotter peter.trotter at
Tue Apr 17 16:43:16 CEST 2007

Hopefully not wading in half cocked here but...

AFAIK non of the major web browsers implement threading for their javascript
engines, or at least not within a single window. Hence when your
asynchronous call returns it does not get executed until the current
javascript thread terminates. Obviously this is unacceptable on the desktop
but in terms of web apps it seems the right thing to do. That said
javascript should only be used to enable the interface - we shouldn't be
using it for any long execution stuff.


On 17/04/07, Tim Newsom <cephdon at> wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 3:54, Alexander E Genaud wrote:
> > Tim,
> >
> > I believe Microsoft created the non-standard XMLHttpRequest object
> > through Active X around IE 5 but it has become something of a standard
> > implemented by Firefox, Safari/Konquerer, Opera, and perhaps others.
> > I've been using a nice wrapper, Sarissa, successfully for a few years
> > in many environments.
> >
> >
> >
> > I believe the asynchronous flag is implemented in those major
> > browsers. Alternatively, you can create an HttpConnection "class" with
> > it's own timeout, abort, polling (4K), threading, etc. While the
> > details are different across browsers, it seems that threads never
> > context switches unless explicitly asked to do so (such as Timeouts
> > and alert dialogs). In other words, a "ring" might come in, but if you
> > are calculating the Fibonacci numbers to the umpteenth power, the
> > "ring" thread probably won't alert you in good time. I believe that is
> > true regardless of the async flag.
> >
> > Alex
> Alex,
> Hmm, that's interesting... It seems like a poor implementation if you
> can't guarantee that the event will fire asynchronously.  Why offer it
> at all?  Strange.
> --Tim
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