MokoMakefile now supports running the Neo1973 emulator

Dmitri Hrapof hrapof at
Sat Apr 21 19:12:52 CEST 2007

Rod Whitby wrote:
> These are now done:
I've downloaded MokoMakefile (thanks for the great work!) and run
make setup
make openmoko-devel-image
These two succeded. I'm running Ubuntu Feisty.
Then I ran
make qemu
and it seems it's broken - it complains during build, then starts the 
emulator, but can't mount root fs. The last words emulated phone says are
No filesystem could mount root, tried: jffs2
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 

The log of make qemu is attached. What may be the reason? Should I try 
to setup neo-qemu manually?

Sincerely yours,
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