Audio Jack 2.5 mm

Vladimír Lapáček vladimir.lapacek at
Tue Apr 24 14:44:15 CEST 2007

Interesting thing to consider is how many people would like to use the
headset and how many would it use for playing music. My estimate is
much bigger for the second, but it may be pretty much skewed.

Using an adapter might be an option but not for mainstream (I know,
the phone is not mainstream).


On 4/24/07, Thomas Seiler <thseiler at> wrote:
> Hi
> Am 24.04.2007 um 12:58 schrieb Vladimír Lapáček:
> > so why does Neo 1973 use the 2.5mm one?
> That makes perfectly sense: because the majority of headsets for
> mobile phones are 2.5mm
> Isn't the questiont ths: Why doesn't it provide *additionally* a
> 3.5mm jack ? That would be sweet!!!
> (and i suspect it woudln't cost much more)
> Cheers,
> Thomas

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