Some light ahead...

Steven ** montgoss+openmokocommunity at
Fri Apr 27 23:26:36 CEST 2007

Apple has said they won't allow any third party apps they don't
approve.  That most likely means no apps Cingular doesn't approve
also.  You think Cingular is going to allow VOIP apps that reduce the
money Cingular makes off the phone?  You think I'll be able to get my
little MythTV remote app approved by Apple?  etc.

The iPhone hardware may be sweet, but the rest is a nightmare.


On 4/27/07, Duncan Hudson <openmoko at> wrote:
> > 4) Relax... you're not going to be able to add features to an iPhone.
> OSX is unix based, so you and I both know that one will be able to add
> apps to the iPhone.  We also both know that for it to succeed in the
> business environment they'll have to allow 3rd party apps.
> Know that I want nothing more than for this device to succeed, but I
> truly believe with each slip its success becomes more difficult.  There
> comes a point in the game when one just has to play the hand that
> they're holding - whether it's a winning hand or not...
> Dunc

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