What a heavy lunch-box!

Thomas Gstädtner thomas at gstaedtner.net
Sat Aug 4 21:34:47 CEST 2007

I love the stylus and definitely don't want to replace it :)
As the pouch is too thick for me and every-day use, it is no problem for me
- and I always have a pen in my pocket, so replacing this with the stylus is
no problem at all. The stylus is very cool for every-day use, you can use it
as stylus, write with it, use it as pointing device in presentations and as
light in the work.
It's cool that the pouch is made of neoprene, so it can protect the neo from
heat, coldness, and water.

The applications look really nice and I'm looing forward to get them running
(first I have to get org.openembedded.dev running ^^).
I hope that the fast-as-light browsers dillo and links -g will run.

2007/8/4, Patrick Beck <pbeck at yourse.de>:
> Am Freitag, den 03.08.2007, 23:12 +0200 schrieb Thomas Gstädtner:
> > The player is emphasis, based on Etk (EFL) and it's a mpd client.
> > But it's running via X remote on the neo, not native. But shouldn't be
> > a problem native, too.
> > The same for all other apps, I only tested how they would look, they
> > are NOT running on the device.
> > Just for info :)
> > And of course you can have some photos of the pouch, too -
> > just look at my webspace in 5-10 minutes.
> > I'll rename all the pics, so you see what you might take a look on :)
> > (Attention, no modem users please, about 3 MB per photo!)
> Thanks for your effort. The pictures are very nice ;)
> Perhaps we should look for a smaller stylus for the pouch :)
> The apps looks nice on the neo. I look forward to see they running on
> the device :D I would buy GTA02 in october. I hope the hardware will
> released earlier.
> with kindly regards
> Patrick Beck
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