Neo Debug Board Schematics or Pinouts

Joachim Steiger roh at
Sat Aug 18 20:42:52 CEST 2007

wee.kiampeng wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I will like to to have a peek at the Neo debug board's schematics or
> pinouts. I need to access the uarts as well as the jtag. Does anyone have
> any idea?

we already are in the process of releasing the neo debug board
schematics since we believe that it would be useful not only for the
moko, but for a lot of different usecases for the embedded hacker community.

please give us some more time do do this properly.

if you need to access the serial of the ftdi via the 2.54mm spacing port
( J10 ) the pinout is as follows:

1  TXD
2  RXD
3  RTS
4  CTS
5  DSR
6  DTR
7  DCD
8  RI
9  GND
10 VCC (3.3V)

remember, this is the port B of the ftdi2232D so the mapping is
BDBUS0-BDBUS7 pin 1 to pin 8

to get a serial from your linux kernel do this:

modprobe ftdi_sio vendor=0x1457 product=0x5118

then you get 2 serial of which one will vanish as soon as you start
openocd to use portA as jtag

J1 on the debug board is JTAG in regular arm 20pin out

kind regards


Joachim Steiger

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