Buying Openmoko GTA02 from Europe

David Pottage david at
Wed Aug 22 21:19:02 CEST 2007

Jean-Eric Cuendet (ML) wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that a big problem we have here in Europe to get Openmoko
> devices is that the shiping costs are quite high: around 80-100USD !!
> I've opened a website that will sell GTA02 devices when they are
> available, to other Europe countries. I'll buy quantities of devices
> from FIC and resell them from here, in Switzerland, middle of Europe.
I am interested, but I am concerned about VAT and import duty issues, as
Switzerland is outside the European Union.

I would feel much happier ordering from an importer inside the EU, as
that way the importer would be responsible for sorting out and paying
any import duties and taxes. The price I pay would include VAT at the
prevailing rate in the importer's country. (So it would be better to
ship from Belgium where it is low, rather than France where it is high).

Unfortunately I don't get any of those advantages if buy from a retailer
ouside the EU. I may save a small amount on shipping, but I would still
have the headache of paying those taxes myself, and the posibily of
paying a lot more than I expect if the customs officers misclassify the
Neo 1973, or disagree with me on it's value.
> Payment will be possible through Paypal or direct postal payment in
> Switzerland. Shiping costs will be around 20-25EUR for countries in
> Europe.
I *HATE* paypal, so in any case, if you can find another way of
receiving payments that would be good.


David Pottage

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