Example of accelerometers utility

Steven Le Roux steven at le-roux.info
Sun Dec 2 16:42:14 CET 2007

Here is a video which shows some applications for accelerometers in a current phone use:


There is for example : 

- battery level
- different tone for received msg (accelerometers make sense cause if you are in reunion/course/whatever, the phone shouldn't be moving, unlike if you are walking/moving, most of time any noise should be acceptable)

ideas : 

There is already some different way to login, (gps coord) login/pwd..., why not a code based on accelerometers :)
I mean for example, two at left, one at right, one bottom, one behind...

It could be a 3D code...

Steven Le Roux
steven at le-roux.info
xmpp:steven at jabber.fr

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