Voice over GPRS?
Robert Michel
openmoko at robertmichel.de
Fri Feb 2 17:58:45 CET 2007
Salve ROB!
ROB schrieb am Freitag, den 02. Februar 2007 um 11:37h:
> Bit rate=sampling rate x bit depth
> 1kb/s isn't going to get you too much audio.
I wrote 1KB/s and I meant 1kB/s, or 8000 baud.
Already tested quality=0 speex and iax succsessful.
Maybe I did something wrong but this gives realy
a good enough quality - consider how old the GSM codec
From my /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf
; CBR encoding quality [0..10]
; used only when vbr = false
quality => 0
quality 0 = mode 1 = 2,150kbps.
From asterisk CLI:
-- Executing Dial("SIP/rob-c7c7",
"IAX2/astblufunk:[astblufunk]@asttangop/17241") in new stack
-- Called astblufunk:[astblufunk]@asttangop/17241
-- Call accepted by (format speex)
-- Format for call is speex
-- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from
> requested format = speex,
> requested prefs = (),
> actual format = speex,
> host prefs = (speex),
> priority = mine
-- Executing Answer("IAX2/asttangop-10", "") in new stack
-- IAX2/asttangop-9 answered SIP/rob-c7c7
I promise to put examples on my webpage in 14 days.
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