Voice over GPRS?
Robert Michel
openmoko at robertmichel.de
Fri Feb 2 18:21:35 CET 2007
Salve Terrence,*!
Terrence Barr - Evangelist, Java Mobile & Embedded schrieb am Freitag, den 02. Februar 2007 um 17:52h:
> VoIP calls typically require approx. 120 kbit/s *each*
> direction, that's 240 kbit/s for a two-way conversation.
[*] speex
[*] iax2
Incoming Bandwidth
Calls: 1
RTP: 4.69 Kbps
UDP: 3.13 Kbps
IP: 7.81 Kibps
Protocol: IAX2 REGULAR
Audio Codec: 2 Kbps
*IAX2 REGULAR is not using RTP or RTCP!
Outgoing Bandwidth
Calls: 1
RTP: 4.69 Kbps
UDP: 3.13 Kbps
IP: 7.81 Kibps
Protocol: IAX2 REGULAR
Audio Codec: 2 Kbps
*IAX2 REGULAR is not using RTP or RTCP!
Incoming bandwidth: 14.5 Kbps
0.01 Mbps
1.81 KBps
0 MBps
Outgoing bandwidth: 14.5 Kibps
0.01 Mbps
1.81 KBps
0 MBps
Total bandwidth (incoming and outgoing): 29 Kbps
0.03 Mbps
3.63 KBps
0 MBps
29Kbps = 3.625 kByte/s
VoIP over cellular is just not feasible at this point.
I was not speaking about VoIP, I was talking about
asyncron voice services like the buzzthingy
"Push to talk" - but I do not whant to push -
"Talk to talk" would be more smart - no need to
press a button.
Without syncron communication the overhead would be
> >On 2/2/07, Robert Michel <openmoko at robertmichel.de> wrote:
> >>Salve!
> >>
> >>Does anybody has experiances/ideas about Voice over GPRS?
> >>How long is the delay? It could maybe used for asyncron
> >>voice communication Talk2Talk (instead of pushing a button)
> >>
> >>In Germany did three Prepaid Provider published new Tariffs
> >>with 0.24Euro/MB.
> >>German pages:
> >>http://teltarif.de/arch/2007/kw05/s24754.html
> >>data cost calculator:
> >>http://teltarif.de/mobilfunk/datenrechner.html
> >>
> >>I think with this tariffs using mobil data becomes
> >>interesting ;)
> >>
> >>By using 1KB/s for audio and some overhead, let
> >>us say 2 KB/s 0.24Euro/MB = 24 Cent for 500 seconds,
> >>60 seconds makes then about 3 cents. When both using
> >>this 6 cents. Hmm that would be interesting when
> >>the user makes often make brakes/pause in their talk.
Sorry guys, I was not asking about codecs, I was just asking
about delay on GPRS. ;)
Should I start again with a more simple example?
I will send a voicemessage of 20 seconds to my friend.
My Tarrif would cost with 60/1 second counting full 16 Cent.
20 second audio with 2.150 kbit/s will create a file of
43 kbit = 5.375 kByte.
0.24Euro/MByte GPRS traffic with 10KB block will calculate
10 kByte for the message to my frind, this makes
0.0024 Euro = 0.24 Cent for me.
So my question would be how much delay will bring a GPRS
connection compared with normal internet connections?
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