idea for Neo 2nd generation: Accelerometer
kkr22.mpt56 at
Sat Feb 3 00:02:40 CET 2007
Le mercredi 31 janvier 2007 à 17:51 +0100, Ortwin Regel a écrit :
> It's not difficult to understand but I think it's not a very intuitive
> idea. Ideally future OpenMoko devices would have multitouch which
> would get us very intuitive zoom and movement along the map. Using an
> accelerometer to control something is a good idea for the Wii where
> you have the controller detached from the screen. On a mobile phone
> you'd always move the screen, too, when you shake it, tilt it or move
> it. Then it becomes tiring to move around with the screen to keep
> seeing what's going on. Also, you have to be able to move the screen
> around to get the best lighting conditions and you have to be able to
> move the device while walking/driving etc. without it trying to
> interpret your random movements as controlls.
The remark is relevant...
...So we can use one button to activate it, and when you release it,
this option is off.
> On 1/31/07, kkr <kkr22.mpt56 at> wrote:
> > Another exemple of uses for an accelerometer: magnifier command set
> > (enable only in the context of a picture viewer or web browser
> > application).
> >
> > You're looking a picture (or a web page), but as you find it too small,
> > and as you want to see more details, you zoom on your picture by simply
> > taking the neo closer to your face: zoom command +
> > (As moving it away from your face is the zoom command minus -)
> >
> > ...unfortunately, when you did it, the part of the picture displayed on
> > the screen is not exactly where you want to see the detail...
> >
> > So, simply move your phone (left/right or up/down), and the windows
> > displayed move proportionally to the deplacement (slow or fast, big or
> > small deplacement).
> > The deplacement in the picture (number of pixels of the movement) is
> > dependent from:
> > - mailman of magnification
> > - amplitude of movement
> >
> > If you move your phone to left for a distance equal to the screen wide,
> > you see the neighbour cell (to the same mailman of magnification).
> >
> >
> > With others words, considere that the phone's screen is as a window on a
> > picture which is bigger (after the zoom) than the phone's screen. So,
> > you move your phone to discover the rest of the picture (adjust the
> > center of the image)
> >
> > --> like with jumelles or magnifier.
> >
> >
> >
> > <---------- picture to display ------------>
> > = Neo'screen size (zoom 1x)
> > --------------------------------------------
> > ¦ |
> > ¦ |
> > ¦ |
> > ¦ ____________ |
> > ¦ |neo'screen| |
> > ¦ <-- | /\zoom 4x| --> |
> > ¦ |/ \ |\ |
> > ¦ /\ I____\____/| \ |
> > ¦ / \ / \ / \ |
> > ¦ / \/ \/ \ |
> > ¦ / \ |
> > ¦ \ |
> > ¦ \ |
> > ¦ \ |
> > --------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > Sorry for my english... I guess it's probably very hard to understand
> > me... :-(
> >
> >
> > regards,
> >
> >
> >
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> > OpenMoko community mailing list
> > community at
> >
> >
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