Text messaging on the OpenMoko platform
Florent THIERY
fthiery at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 13:24:50 CET 2007
Hi, i'll add my 2 cents :)
Then again, while XMPP is quite nice for normal usage on the net, maybe we
> need a different protocol, namely one that is VERY bandwidth efficient
> (XML
> is not really famous for that, a binary protocol could potentially do much
> better) to keep GPRS costs low?
The best would be:
- using a plain text protocol : irc would be great, but prevents further
extension (webcam over ip or voip), so SIP might be better
- using a compressive transport layer (tunneling into ssh, with compression
My opinion is, if we really want to turn the OpenMoko platform to it's
maximum extend, we'll have to associate it with a server-side component
(running all the time, such as a WRT or NSLU2 device), a multiprotocol IM
gateway, a remote storage feature (sshfs?), an imap webserver, a web
gateway... Everything tunneled into a secure-as-possible connection.
http://www.bitlbee.org/main.php/news.html for IRC (server side)
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