Installer Package OE.pkg for MacOS X?
Ryan Kline
radryan214 at
Mon Feb 12 18:22:06 CET 2007
Oh please do!! And while you are at it, could you make one for Linux,
I just installed it.
On Feb 12, 2007, at 10:58 AM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Michael,
> >> While one -can- get OE/BB running under OSX, at least
> theoretically, it's not as simple as doing it under Linux
> shouldn't we just join forces and craft an Installer package for
> getting OE installed directly on a Mac?
> IMHO, needing to install some VM and a full Linux one of the best
> *ix machines just because Linux developers have the tendency to
> invent an then use a lot of not well documented command line tools
> you have never heared of is some overkill...
> Distributing an OE.pkg would be much better...
> The main idea is:
> * make a shell script (called as preinstall) that creates a case
> sensitive "/Developer/OE.sparseimage" (fixed location so to avoid
> confusion)
> * get all the additional command line tools it needs to "/opt/local/
> bin" from Fink or OpenDarwin (either load at install time or
> provide some stable binaries)
> * provide the basic files needed in the "stuff" directory
> * wrap that all into an installer .pkg file by using PackageMaker
> So, you download OE.pkg, and double click. This will install
> everything and leave you with "/Volumes/OE" as your "stuff" directory.
> The problem I have:
> describes everything but I understand only half of it.
> Nikolaus
> Am 12.02.2007 um 16:21 schrieb Michael Dickens:
>> Ryan - Someone suggested getting VMWare & setting up a Ubuntu
>> VM ... this is a -great- suggestion since you're running OSX, -if-
>> you have an Intel-Mac. If you have a PPC-Mac, then this is not an
>> option (AFAIK), and you'll need to either (1) install Linux on
>> another hard drive / partition and direct boot into it (which
>> might require hacking the firmware), or (2) use OE/BB directly on
>> OSX. While one -can- get OE/BB running under OSX, at least
>> theoretically, it's not as simple as doing it under Linux; Apple
>> provides some GNU tools, but some are Apple-specific (e.g.
>> "libtool" is Apple-specific on OSX, and thus with using "GNU
>> libtool" many folks rename it "glibtool" etc). For the second
>> option, I'd recommend using MacPorts to install the background
>> stuff for OE/BB. I'm actually trying to get OE/BB working on OSX
>> in parallel with doing it on a VM running Ubuntu (the VM already
>> "won" this competition, but I'm still working on the OSX side).
>> Ubuntu provides a "nice and simple" setup / configuration that
>> doesn't require a lot of in-depth knowledge of Linux (unless you
>> want to go there). Setting up OE/BB inside the VM is as simple as
>> following the instructions on the Wiki <
>> gowiki/OpenMoko/OpenEmbedded/SettingUpOEForUbuntu > ... really, I
>> just did it last night running Ubuntu 6.10 on a VM on an Intel-
>> iMac. I created 'nano', and can copy it to my local ARM-based
>> TS-7300, and it runs just fine ... very cool!
>> Being an OSX user myself, both at home and school, I'm happy to
>> provide whatever reasonable assistance I can to other OSX users.
>> While I don't have a lot of experience under Linux, I do have
>> plenty of experience on various Unix flavors and MacOS from 5 to
>> current - both as programmer and user (from setting up the MMU to
>> device drivers to CLI applications to GUIs).
>> Good luck! - MLD
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