Problems installing boost pkgs for OE (Was: Problems installing OE on Linux)
Terence Haddock
haddock at
Tue Feb 13 12:32:58 CET 2007
That is a good one, I need to remember that! Since we're directly
referencing a specific monotone install on a specific architecture,
adding the dependencies does not bother me too much, however it would
help keep the page up-to-date if we updated the monotone version. So,
again, if no-one objects, I will change the monotone install steps to
reflect Robin's suggestion below.
I'd set up a repository, but it seems overkill for a single package!
- Terry
Robin Farine wrote:
> On Tue February 13 2007 11:19, Terence Haddock wrote:
>> Only these commands should be needed to install monotone:
>> wget
>> b sudo apt-get install libboost-date-time1.33.1 \
>> libboost-filesystem1.33.1 libboost-regex1.33.1
>> sudo dpkg -i monotone_0.32-0.1_i386.deb
>> unless somebody objects, I'll update the wiki!
> Or to avoid to mention explicit dependencies on the wiki:
> wget
> sudo dpkg -i monotone_0.32-0.1_i386.deb
> If the last commands fails because of missing dependencies:
> sudo apt-get install -f
> The last step will take care of the missing dependencies and prompt
> the user to confirm the installation of the extra packages.
> Robin
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