And please use a emailclients with working "Reference" Re: gmail users CC'ing
Andrew Turner
ajturner at
Tue Feb 13 15:40:38 CET 2007
As a Gmail user (all my emails route to Gmail), I found it the best
because it is free, reliable, works on all my mobile devices, large
storage, easy to use, good spam filtering, and has excellent
In fact, the only messages that become de-threaded are yours rob. Your
habit of changing the subject line makes the email messages show up
out of thread.
Now, perhaps this is the fault of GMail - or the Mail list application
that the OpenMoKo list is using. But it isn't nice, or professional,
to disparage people (especially an obvious majority) just because of
the email service they use.
by the way, it's spelled "References"
On 2/13/07, Robert Michel <openmoko at> wrote:
> Salve Richard, *!
> I full agree with you! But dubbel mails from gmail is IMHO
> not the worst - it is starting new threads with every answer
> be not using working "Referneces" or "In-Replay-To"....
> On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Richard Bennett wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Why so many people who believe in the ideals put forward by the Neo/Openmoko
> > project are happy to use Gmail astounds me...
> tzz, locking forward to have more ICT freedom with OpenMoko/Neo1973
> but wasting personal freedom and privatcy by using the datacollecting
> monster google....
> >A nyway, aside from that minirant, is it possible when sending mail from
> > Gmail to not CC loads of people in the meantime?
> The gmailers here on the list are also _rowdily_ by not using an
> emailclient with supporting working "References" :((
> Maybe they are so ICT unskilled that they do not know that good
> emailcinets support threading for efficient and civilised communication.
> So either someone of the gmail guys explains the other gmail ICT-noobs
> how to use an emailclient for a civilised participtation on a
> mailinglist, or I will gooing filter all mails comming from
> (Gmail users seems to become what AOL users has been known for)
> Nice hints like:
> S: Small hint:
> Your Email hasn't a working "References:" or "In-Reply-To:"
> in its header, so no email client could put it into the
> right thread. Please check if you can answer with
> "Referneces".
> Seems not to be understood or respected.
> ****Sorry for my hard words,*****
> but as we known there are over 800 people on the list and a mailinglist
> without respecting References in the emailheader will making an
> unneccessary mess in our inboxes, but also on the webarchives.
> So when you are using gmail and you know how to use gmail
> civilised on a mailinglist, please explain other gmailers
> how to do so....
> Which gmail user can help?
> Thank you :))
> rob
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