R: Camera and MMS
t3st3r at mail.ru
Wed Feb 14 10:09:46 CET 2007
Andreas Kaeser wrote:
> Michele Manzato wrote:
>> Voting for integrated Camera as well ...
> Well, as much as I would like a camera in my all-in-one gadget, it would
> be prohibitive for my every day use: in my working environment anything
> capable of picture recording is strictly disallowed. So I wouldn't be
> able to use Neo1973 :-(
So what? Jailed people are often disallowed to use mobile phones at all.
Should mobile phones manufacturers to give up and stop producing mobile
phones at all then?
[off] I'm amazed how easily people are giving up their legal rights in
favor of semi-illegal corporate policies (or similar stuff) which are
trashing human rights to the hell. As for me, I'll never work in such
jail-like environment. Do you want to have open and free gadget ... but
still have jail-like job?Amazing!Freedom is not just a word - it's way
of life. Think about it. Twice. [/off]
> I guess people working under such conditions are less than 10% of total
> population, so maybe we won't be considered too much. A pluggable camera
> would definitely help!
As for me, I will never use pluggable camera.Its a separate thing which
can be lost, forgotten and broken easily (the plug itself is a weak
place).And it reduces device usability to the hell.Early mobiles
attempted to use pluggable cameras but it looks like this attempt has
miserably failed.It has been incredible unpopular idea and died without
success.However I have nothing against the following: two models, one
with camera and one without it. However I have no idea how hard and
costly this to implement (usually, developing 2 devices costs more but
probably dropping features is relatively easy - just do not solder some
parts on same PCB and use a bit altered case).
P.S. Of course you can safely ignore my dumb mumblings but before doing
so, consider that I closely dealt with mobile phones internals since
2000 and usability is my primary job.
2ALL: sorry for semi-flaming message.
> Andreas
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