Content from the old wiki to the new wiki
Ole Tange at
Sun Feb 18 17:19:13 CET 2007
On 2/18/07, Richard Bennett <richard.bennett at> wrote:
> On Sunday 18 February 2007 02:50, ryan lerch wrote:
> > The content transfer from the old wiki
> > (
> > to the new one (
> >
> > is about 1/3 complete. if you have some spare time, and are not a
> > developer as such, yet want to help out, feel free to help us transfer
> > this content over.
> >
> > for a run-down of the content that still needs to be migrated see the
> > wiki's community portal:
> >
> >
> Ok, I moved the FOSDEM article.
> I created a new section ' FIC / OpenMoko at Events' on the new wiki to allow
> grouping all events together.
I would think it might be better put under
> I have a few questions:
> Should we delete the old articles? I just put the new URL at the top, but
> maybe it is best to delete it altogether?
> Old:
> New:
I believe you have done the right thing. I wrote a few lines on how to
move stuff. As you seem to be the author of the PNG-file I think this
is fine.
> How would I go about making a category 'events' so all events can be shown on
> a page grouped together, and the URL would become .../wiki/events/FOSDEM ?
A category is added using: [[Category:FOO]]. It will not create the
URL, but it will make it easy to make pages like:
Events are typically date centered. Would it be feasible to change all
event titles, so they start with the start date in ISO8601:
YYYY-MM-DD? Then the category page would show events in calendar
2007-02-23 FOSDEM
2007-03-15 Pingwinaria 2007
> Why can PDF files not be uploaded? it says that that is not a recommended
> image format, but I'm trying to upload it as a file, not image.
I will look into that.
> Is there no WIKI webmaster yet, for this kind of questions?
Use me.
> The Search function doesn't seem to work at all.
That is a bad bug report. See and elaborate on
the error you see.
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