Voice Activated Controls
Dean Collins
Dean at cognation.net
Tue Feb 27 05:29:11 CET 2007
No you are just being silly; None of them except vaxvoip are similar
> It looks like these guys do a similar thing for free (but still
> http://www.peerme.com/
Requires an executable install
> Another for money:
> http://www.gphone.com/service/webcallback
Doesn't do voip - it's a two legged outbound call.
good product but uses SIP
I got board after checking any further, I think the discussion has gone
far too off base anyway.
Dean Collins
dean at mexuar.com
> Perhaps this one too:
> http://www.vaxvoip.com/
> Or these folks, back in 2004:
> http://www.vocalscape.com/
> And...etc...
> http://www.asteriskdialer.com
> I think even google talk does click-to-talk, no?
> > You guys still haven't got it yet,
> Well don't presume what the rest of the world is thinking from a
couple emails
> of mine... You sound version presumptuous.
> > with enough bandwidth on a single
> > Asterisk server and Mexuar, you could basically deliver calls to
> > Neo globally eliminating all inbound and international call charges.
> >
> > You still think I'm spamming Jeff?
> Yes. Do you have financial interests with them at all? The original
thread was
> about Voice Activated Controls and has devolved into this. I took the
time out
> to check out your links only to find them dead ends since they are
> > Maybe I'm just thinking bigger picture which is why I keep talking
> > network services and you guys talk about gsm subsidies.
> Ya, we're all so dumb here. Thank god you're around passing light.
> Perhaps the reason many of us are here is because we are looking for
> solutions and are very very tired of being bound to closed systems
such as
> Mexuar, no matter how pretty their flash is. Maybe we're actually
> about the bigger picture (e.g. free/open) and you're just talking
> subsidies for your companies...
> -Jeff
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