Features and promises
denis at planet-standard.de
Tue Feb 27 12:03:44 CET 2007
Mikko J Rauhala schrieb:
> On ti, 2007-02-27 at 10:52 +0100, denis wrote:
>> Why can't they just tell us what the features will be? Is it so
>> difficult to be open? In my opinion it would bring much more credibility
>> for FIC.
> Allow me to hazard a guess:
> Most of this stuff is preliminary plans, and the guys don't like to make
> promises they know they might now be able to keep. That's also why I
> think Sean was being evasive about "that other thing that everyone asks
> about". If something goes wrong with the plans, as things go sometimes
> and have gone in parts of this project already, and they can't deliver,
> what would that do to their credibility? ('course, everyone is already
> jumping at that "other thing" regardless, but apparently that's how it
> goes...)
> To repeat, this is all just guesswork; I don't have any inside
> information. And I for one will be getting one of them p1 devices; get
> in on the ground floor, people. If you feel you need to upgrade right
> away, arrange a new home for the older one; I suspect you'll be able to
> get a reasonable resale price for the old model as well (my p1 Neo will
> go to my SO though when I upgrade ;). Spread the Moko, you know you want
> to, since the more there are of these in _your_ social circles, the more
> useful they will be to you, too :)
I will and am spreading the informations on OpenMoko. ;)
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