New site about open mobiles: ideas and suggestions
Danijel Orsolic
libervis at
Wed Feb 28 07:15:31 CET 2007
Greetings everyone
A few weeks ago I have announced an idea about a web site that would focus on open mobile communications and related devices, like OpenMoko's Neo1973, offering a friendly entrance point for the general population and curious geeks which are not developers in this area to the world of open Free Software and Free Standards powered mobiles.
The site is being built at and at this point we you are offered a chance to make your suggestions and ideas and hence possibly influence what the final site will look like. All Libervis Network sites have been developed with welcome community input from the very start, without development happening "behind the closed doors" and then being opened up at the launch date. You can participate in shaping this one up too.
Feel free to visit to see where we are currently standing with ideas and concepts and make your own suggestions, ideas, questions, anything. :)
On a sidenote, we are here and there are some hosting resources to be spared, so if you believe that it would be a good idea to host something related to OpenMoko (and further) on a third party site, you can make your suggestions known here about that as well. I really wish for this site to be a valuable addition to the community and maybe even a movemen that is forming behind the concept of Free Software/Free Standards powered mobile devices.
Best regards
Danijel Orsolic
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