Storage + Re: The actual release date of NEO1973

Sean Moss-Pultz sean_mosko at
Sat Jan 13 10:54:13 CET 2007

On 1/12/07 4:53 PM, "Mikko Rauhala" <mjrauhal at> wrote:

> Incidentally, I'm also interested in the official word, if any, on the
> new 4G micro-SDs. I _was_ glad to see Sean's "micro-SD can go to 2GB
> now. (Or that's what my vendors tell me)" comment, though I would be
> more comfortable if FIC themselves verify that 2GB micro-SDs do, in
> fact, work, what with all the scary rumours about the SOC 1G limitation
> applying to SDs too. (Vendors... ;] )

I'm out of the country now, but I will ask our developers to track one down
for testing. We'll let you know our results.


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