Fwd: OpenMoko in my area?

Koen Kooi koen at dominion.kabel.utwente.nl
Tue Jan 16 08:33:21 CET 2007

Hash: SHA1

Mike Krier schreef:
> Marcel de Jong wrote:
>> On 1/15/07, Mike <fromlists at talkingspider.com> wrote:
>>> I'm in the US, in New York city.  What networks can I use a Neo1973
>>> phone on?  Do all GSM carriers accept all GSM phones?
>> In contrast to CDMA phones, a GSM phone isn't normally locked to a
>> carrier, only the GSM-chip (SIMcard) that is inside your GSM phone is
>> locked to your carrier.
>> Some carriers offer you bundles with phones that are simlocked
>> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIMLOCKS), which means that the phone
>> and the SIMcard are paired, but if you have a SIMcard you can put it
>> in any GSM-phone.
>> So no, they can't deny your phone.
>> The only limitation on which GSM-phones you can choose from depends on
>> the frequency that is used in your country. But given that the Neo is
>> quad band (it supports all current GSM-frequency ranges), they can't
>> stop you from using the Neo.
>> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSM#Radio_interface)
>> -- 
>> Marcel
>> ps.
>> I really don't like the fact that 'reply' doesn't work on this
>> mailinglist. I have to add the mailaddress myself. (this is the only
>> mailinglist that I know, that does that this way)
> I agree with this, and I'd also like to add that this list should also
> auto-prepend a marker in the subject line like most other lists do, for
> example [OMOKO-COM] so that we can set up mail filters.

No, need, just let procmail filter on the List-Id: header:

* ^List-Id:.*community\.lists\.openmoko\.org

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