Fwd: Why do I want WiFi?

Rod Whitby rod at whitby.id.au
Thu Jan 18 08:32:48 CET 2007

Alexander McLeay wrote:
> On 1/18/07, Rod Whitby <rod at whitby.id.au> wrote:
> ...
>> I also connect to IRC, can ssh, and surf the web, all over the bluetooth
>> connection.
>> I expect to be able to do the same with the Neo, except that it will be
>> a true PAN BT connection rather than the ppp over serial BT connection
>> that I use now.
> What sort of speed does this give you?

No idea.  It's not fast, but it's fast enough for email, irc, web, etc.
 Since the Treo has little memory, I don't need to download MBs of files
to it.  If I do need to download to the memory card (e.g. for podcasts),
I'll just take out the memory card and download via the laptop (this is
much much faster than using the USB sync for a Treo).

> Is it actually good enough for
> VoIP over Bluetooth IP to be practical?

No idea.  If I'm at home, then there is a laptop computer or a land-line
close by.

> If I didn't mind plugging in
> the USB cable, but I did want a decently fast connection, would I
> prefer to install updates/new software to my Neo with Bluetooth or
> USB?

I would do it via USB (assuming that's much faster than bluetooth).  My
rule of thumb is that a wired connection is always going to be faster
and more reliable than a wireless connection.

> People have mentioned interference between Wifi and Bluetooth: Is this
> an insuperable problem, or can I make one or the other operate on a
> different channel/frequency, seeing as I control both network setups?
> (My laptop is my only computer with Bluetooth, and it's usually
> connected via Wifi.)

Never encounted such interference.  My bluetooth gateway and wifi
gateway are a good 10m apart in different rooms (the bluetooth gateway
had to be located in the centre of the house, to get the range to both
ends of the house).

-- Rod

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