what is the difference between openMoko and windows mobile based phones

Marnix Klooster marnix.klooster at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 13:30:41 CET 2007

On 1/18/07, hank williams <hank777 at gmail.com> wrote:
> What I mean by this is that it seems everyone is saying that the big
> difference is that you can get 3rd party *real apps* on the phone. And this
> is said as if windows mobile phones like moto q, blackjack and pocket PC
> phones wont allow this.

In my mind, it's not just the *additional* applications.  It's the
kernel and all low-level stuff that you (or others for you) can hack
and replace.  The dialer application and the bluetooth driver that
comes with it, and any other software, can be adapted and/or replaced.
 And it can be done legally, with all the hardware specs available
(excepting of the GPS part perhaps).

I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that that would be more
difficult or impossible on a Windows mobile phone.


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