power plug

Nikita V. Youshchenko yoush at debian.org
Sat Jan 20 12:29:26 CET 2007

> Renaissance Man schrieb:
>> On 20 Jan 2007, at 6:06 am, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
>>> We will sell the Neo1973 direct from openmoko.com for US$350 plus
>>> shipping. Sales and orders will be worldwide.
>> Does this mean it'll be shipping direct from openmoko.com with the
>> correct power plug for each country?
> The phone is charged via USB. I am assuming it comes without a power
> supply. You can get a USB charger for a power outlet on ebay for a few
> bucks if you want to charge it without a PC.

How can it charge over USB if it gets full discharged?
AFAIK, USB device is not powered by USB host until it is configured.
So gadged must be operational to charge over usb.

BTW, this is the exact behaviour I'm observing with my old ipaq running
Familiar Linux: it could be charged via USB while it it operational, but if
it gets full discharged, USB can't help and power choord has to be used.

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