power plug

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at kostyrka.org
Sat Jan 20 12:54:21 CET 2007

* Nikita V. Youshchenko <yoush at debian.org> [070120 12:32]:
> > Renaissance Man schrieb:
> >> On 20 Jan 2007, at 6:06 am, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> >> 
> >>> We will sell the Neo1973 direct from openmoko.com for US$350 plus
> >>> shipping. Sales and orders will be worldwide.
> >> 
> >> Does this mean it'll be shipping direct from openmoko.com with the
> >> correct power plug for each country?
> > 
> > The phone is charged via USB. I am assuming it comes without a power
> > supply. You can get a USB charger for a power outlet on ebay for a few
> > bucks if you want to charge it without a PC.
> How can it charge over USB if it gets full discharged?
> AFAIK, USB device is not powered by USB host until it is configured.
> So gadged must be operational to charge over usb.

Well, I'm almost certain that my USB mouse has no battery builtin, so
I guess USB does provide some minimal power to enable configuration.

> BTW, this is the exact behaviour I'm observing with my old ipaq running
> Familiar Linux: it could be charged via USB while it it operational, but if
> it gets full discharged, USB can't help and power choord has to be used.

Well, that's not USB's fault. Some of the Ipaqs have a questionable
design where the software on the Ipaq needs to control charging. Now
you can wonder what happens if OS on the Ipaq shuts itself down
because of power exhaustation. *g*


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