Time for a community manifesto? And let us spread this good News :) Re: Free Your Phone

Sean Moss-Pultz sean_mosko at fic.com.tw
Sat Jan 20 18:05:25 CET 2007

On 1/20/07 11:47 PM, "Robert Michel" <openmoko at robertmichel.de> wrote:

> 3.)I have a big wish that I like to add to Seans philosophic view
>    to the roadmap of the OpenMoko/Neo1973 project - using the
>    utilities like wiki and mailinglist to share knowledge and skills.
>    IMHO the user of a distribution should not only get the power
>    to use
>    ipkg install software-that-you-wants
>    He should also get the access of documentation, tutorials and
>    links for further know how to get the most out of it's hard/software.
> ######################################################################
> # Good documentation is very important and will have a very fuitfull #
> # benefit - it will empower the user to profit most AND it will      #
> # lower the barrier that users made adations of their software and   #
> # that we all can profit from their creativity.                      #
> ######################################################################

You bet we'll be working on this! We've got help built into every
application. It's not very advanced at this point...but we consider it to be
quite fundamental to our system. I would really like to take this to a new
level. This is the kind of stuff communities can really do well. I would
love to use applications on my phone and find things like tips that other
people find particularly handy.


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