[openmoko-announce] Free Your Phone

Simon simon80 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 20:43:59 CET 2007

On 1/20/07, Sean Moss-Pultz <sean_mosko at fic.com.tw> wrote:
>     2007-02-11 Phase 0: Developer Preview
>     We will give away free phones to selected members of the developer
>     community. At this point, the full source code to the OpenMoko Linux
>     Distribution will become publicly available. We are committed to
>     cooperating with the community in the interest of making the
>     official developer launch a smooth experience.

Is there any code that would be running on the phone that won't be
FOSS (ie. GPS daemon/driver )?  If so, how easy will it be to find out
which code is closed-source, and how dependent would the phone's
functionality be on the closed-source code?

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