Text input, OpenMoko and Tengo

David Schlesinger david.schlesinger at palmsource.com
Sat Jan 20 22:18:02 CET 2007

If I were the guy who holds the patent (and yes, something like this is
patentable) on "T9" input, I'd sue. This "TenGO" thing clearly strikes me as
something that "a practitioner skilled in the art" could come up with, given
a knowledge of T9...

(I see no problem with a legitimate innovation--like T9's predictive use of
statistically likely words to determine that you meant "covert" when you
pressed 268378--being granted a patent, and I see no problem with the holder
of the patent defending it.)

On 1/20/07 6:48 AM, "Ulrik Rasmussen" <openmoko at hwiz.dk> wrote:

> That is patented? But how? It's basically a rearrangement of the buttons used
> on a regular cell phone.
> Unless there's some feature that I've missed, then I can't see how this could
> be innovative enough to deserve a patent.
> -Ulrik
> On Saturday 20 January 2007 13:44, Renaissance Man wrote:
>> Would I be right in assuming we won't see anything like Tengo-type
>> free software text input on OpenMoko, being that it's patented?
>> http://www.tengo.net/
>> I'm also assuming that getting Tengo to add support for OpenMoko is a
>> trivial matter. But would be nice to have a freedom software version.
>> Renaissance Man
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