Signal-to-noise ratio

Jon Phillips jon at
Mon Jan 22 09:02:13 CET 2007

On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 08:37 +0100, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
> Dnia poniedziałek, 22 stycznia 2007 04:51, Corey napisał:
> > On Sunday 21 January 2007 20:43, Greg Tada wrote:
> > > I'd like to help out this project, I really would. But when zealots
> > > like Renaissance Man (Who calls themselves that? Yeah that's not
> > > pretentious at all) et al hijack this list for their own religious
> > > soapboxing, I don't have time to filter through all of the crap.
> > > I'll come back later when this crap ends.
> > Troll alert.
> No, it is not troll alert. 
> This mailing list became worse and worse during last two weeks. Nearly 
> each longer thread goes into OffTopic discussion, more and more flamewars 
> (Linux <> GNU/Linux in 'Free your phone' is best example). All of that 
> makes this list really hard to read.

Heya guys, lots of discussion is a great thing! It is great to have
general discussion which means we are all hitting on something needed. 

> During last days I look at threads, check who wrote something new and 
> usually select 'mark all 60 mails as read' because I do not see 
> interesting authors. From time to time I read one or two threads to find 
> out what about thread is and mark it as 'worth reading' so next mails 
> will get read by me.

> I hope that openmoko-devel will get open soon to new subscribers and that 
> there will be someone who will have power to remove trolls from it.

Well, I would challenge you all to contribute to the list constructively
and positively help newbies to start collaborating.

Since there is no wiki, I'm offering up my wiki space for any and all
people to focus their energy. As soon as there is a public wiki, then I
will move that content over there to seed it...


Jon Phillips

San Francisco, CA
USA PH 510.499.0894
jon at

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