built-in scripting languages

"Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik" ruskie at mages.ath.cx
Mon Jan 22 22:49:05 CET 2007

On 10:12:00 pm 2007-01-22 Corey <corey at bitworthy.net> wrote:
> On Monday 22 January 2007 14:03, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
> > Dnia poniedziałek, 22 stycznia 2007 21:45, Corey napisał:
> >  
> > > I would recommend lua, it's extremely light-weight ( we're talking
> > > about 6 megs here )
> >  
> > 6M???  
> >
> > http://openzaurus.linuxtogo.org/feed-browser/?name=lua&action=search
> > show that it will take much less then 1M
> >

Why is this even being discused... you have the ability to add anything to
the phone once you get your hands on it... SO any scripting languages one
desires can be added.

Personaly by default there should be none. And let the user decide what he
wants. For example I prefer ruby over perl, lua or python and I like using
bash scripts for a lot of stuff. So having lua on my system would be more
or less pointless as I don't use it myself.

IMHO default install should have the really minimal setup needed to run and
not one app extra.

Andraž "ruskie" Levstik
Source Mage GNU/Linux Games grimoire guru

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