Conference system / poster wall for the FOSDEM Re: Need for a clusterd megaphone via Bluetooth....

Robert Michel openmoko at
Tue Jan 23 13:19:18 CET 2007

Salve Sean!

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> On 1/23/07 1:38 AM, "Michael 'Mickey' Lauer" <mickey at> wrote:
> > Robert Michel wrote:
> >> I need some help - it is realy a pitty that Sean
> >> will not speach on a stage at the FOSDEM 2007
> > 
> > Are you sure? :)
> I'm speaking. 

:))) Very fine!  ;)))

Sorry to make some rumour to get this anouncement from you,
but I think you like it to get feedback that the people 
realy wants to hear you ;)

So OpenMoko/Neo1973 will standing on the FOSDEM shedule
quite soon? ;)))

> I just meant that I would prefer to walk around and hang out
> with you guys than sit at a booth all day.

Of course - IMHO no need to stay the full time at the table :)

But in the background of your nice interview I saw a nice Neo1973 
wall (when you have to choose - leave it at home and bring more
Neos with you) but when you can arrange to bring this mobil poster
wall with you it would be great (IMHO)!
You don't have to stand there all day 
- just put a small paper on the table:

"be here again at 12:50h 
 and we'll go to lunch 
 togehter :)" 

It would be just a good meetingpoint :)

Ah and the jumping person of the poster wall could be used
for designing the t-shirt (or sweet-shirts....) togehter
with the slogan "Free your phone"

########Conference System###########
How many speaker and mics does the Neo1973 will have?
At the "bottle opener" side it would be nice to have speaker
and mic - that it would be possible to carry the neo at a neck
like a pendant (jewel) and have a sound system at your head,
but also a free speaking system for phoning...

So with this, it would be possibel to put the Neo1973 on a table
and have a directed free speak system as well. Now with Bluetooth
it could be used as a Conference System. 30 people with a Neo
sitting around a big table. Who's pressing his neo get the speach
(red light) and the other got via Bluetooth the audio signal, but
also Name of the speaker and his speaking time on the display :))

In a big confernce with a moderator, could be an auditorium, the
people which want to ask a question could register themself that
they want to ask and type their quetion to the moderator.
He will got the name (and maybe function of the questioner) and
a little bit later the question topic.
Then he can sort how many questions are there, group them and
call the questioner one by one.
The questioner will not need to got a mic, he will speak into
his Neo (and see how much time he still has for his question ...)

Such a system can recorde the speach and the question automaticaly
on every device so the people could take it directly with them
(for open discussion - some political or business discussion will
not be recorded - they have a mobil ban already)
and external people can join this easyly via GSM or internet and
also ask questions.... So such a conference system would be handy
also for small meetings.


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