security for wiki

Todd W trwww at
Tue Jan 23 21:22:00 CET 2007

From: "Sven Neuhaus" <sven-openmoko at>

> Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
>> Ummm...  I just updated the OpenMoko/QuestionsAndAnswers to give a
>> brief introduction to the problems with trying to port PalmOS apps to
>> Linux.  I was able to do this completely anonymously.
> That's one of the strong features of a wiki.

It is, but unfortunately it gets taken advantage of. Several of my favorite 
wiki's have been ruined by spam. Also see

One wiki was/is so important to me I volunteered some time digging through 
previous revisions to help clean it up. It took us a week.

Also, the ramifications extend farther than just the site now containing 
spam. If google finds spam in your site, they WILL deindex you:

Todd W.

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