OpenMoko development environment (was: Re: Built in PIM app source?)

Joe Pfeiffer jjpfeifferjr at
Tue Jan 23 22:00:06 CET 2007

Torsten Röhl writes:
>Am Samstag, 20. Januar 2007 18:39 schrieb Sencer:
>thank you, for the good link ...
>i have two questions
>i) gtk+ is c based (but i allways think in c++ ) do you think it's possible 
>also use the "gtk+ c++" bindings for neo1973? - or is this a bad

I highly recommend it.  Nearly all the GUI writing I do uses the gtkmm

>ii) i read it's also possible to use gtk+  and c++ (with static callbacks) do 
>you think maybe this would be possible on neo1973

I would expect it to be.

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