Several suggestions/observations/questions... I think that I may be too late, but....

Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa ildefonso.camargo at
Wed Jan 24 03:10:22 CET 2007


I'm really new to this project, I just saw it today.  I would
contributed with lots of ideas and designs (I'm an electronic
engineer), but I think I'm a little late.

I have read, very little, in the list, and I would like to ask this questions:

1. I don't understand why use a "propietary" GPS daemon, most GPS
support the NMEA-0183 protocol, which is "text".  I read that you are
using "Global Locate AGPS", I know why: indoor GPS, and that's great!
(and usefull), but my question comes: will it provide NMEA-0183
messages... you know, for us to use gpsdrive or something like that.
I hate phones wich says to have "GPS", and when you want to see your
location, you just can't!

Another question on this: has you seen the GPS modules from navman?,
like this one:
 (jupiter 32)

It works indoor, and it supports NMEA-082, which would free us from
"propietary" whatever.

2. Why does the phone doesn't include a camera?  I would use some
"camera-on-chip" from OmniVision (, or Micron
(  They seem fairly easy to use.  I have already
contacted OmniVision just to see if they have any problem with us
implementing the "interface" in an open source project.  I would like
to see this thing, not with any camera, but with at least 1.3Mpixels,
I have seen the "nokia 6265", with its 2Mpixels camera, and it's
great... but it is REALLY slow when it comes to micro-SD memory

3. Ok, I will grant the "wifi" issue to "low power"... but, why not
EDGE?, why just GPRS?... I think I know the answer: price, but: is the
difference so large?.

Anyway, I followed a previous "open source" hardware device, which
finally died (agenda VR3), and it died because they ignored a lot of
"features" that they could add (in the case of the agenda, the
USB-host, or memory expansion port).

About WiFi...... I'll investigate, because I wouldn't mind my phone
"eating" the battery like a hungry beast, but only "when" I enable the
WiFi, but you need to be able to disable it.  Another option would be
USB-host.... but that's just too much for a phone (I think).... mmm ,
one could use some "micro" connector and a cable.... no.. .never mind.

I'm really happy to see this project emerging, I hope it is a success,


Ildefonso Camargo

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