Neo1973 "Car kit" - some pittfalls due laws possible?

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at
Wed Jan 24 14:49:22 CET 2007

* Robert Michel <openmoko at> [070124 14:01]:
> Salve Andreas!
> Andreas Kostyrka schrieb am Mittwoch, den 24. Januar 2007 um 13:48h:
> > > Robert Michel writes:
> > > >
> > > >Since last Dezember it is forbidden for the driver to touch a PDA/mobil
> > 
> > Ok, I think that's a case of wrong translation. It's forbidden to
> > pickup the phone. you are quite allowed to touch the phone, explicitly:

I'm not a lawyer, but if you read the ticker, the OLG just found that
a PDA with a GSM module is to be treated as a mobile. Now, the Adac
article claims that it's ok to use a mobile, if you don't have to pick
it up. E.g. buttons and voice control are named as an example for
allowed interactions.

> NO, please read:
> There was a court decision that it is forbidded for a driver
> to touch a PDA during driving, when this device just have
> a GSM module. It isn't counting if he is touching it for
> phoning or other interests like MP3 player.
> Touching a PDA without GSM module isn't touchted by this 
> court decision.
> > D: Wenn das Handy im Fahrzeug fest installiert ist und zur Bedienung
> > D: nicht in die Hand genommen werden muss, es beispielsweise mittels
> > D: Sprachsteuerung oder Tastendruck bedient werden kann, ist eine
> > D: Benutzung während der Fahrt weiterhin gestattet.
> > 
> > E: If the mobile is installed in the car, and one doesn't need to take
> > E: into the hand to use it, e.g. voice control or button control, the
> > E: usage while driving is allowed.
> Right - with voice control you don't need to touch it.
> This court decision from Dezember changed things a little bit.
It talks about working with a PDA. Not touching.
> Most of the Neo1973s will not be "installed in the car".
But the car kit will come with a cradle. :)

> I know - I haven't found a source again for this - but I've found
> this on a page last Dezember...

Technically speaking, the ADAC also mentions that other media claims
faulty that the ABE is voided. Sorry, Adac is probably one of the
best source for German rules concerning cars/driving.

But yes, the new rules are a little bit harder. E.g. my builtin
freespeaker in my Audi will be unsafer to use with the new rules. With
the old rules, I could pull the handset into my view, and dial a
number. Now I'll have to put my eyes onto the middle arm rest to dial
a number. Cool, how safety rules can be so unsafe :)


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