Several suggestions/observations/questions... I think that I may be too late, but....

Gervais Mulongoy gervais.mulongoy at
Wed Jan 24 16:48:49 CET 2007

I am pretty sure that 2nd and 3rd generation OpenMokos will have cameras and
WiFi. At this point, I care more for a phone that will work as advertised.
And for a long enough trial period to work at the biggest bugs. Let's help
getting OpenMoko stable and useful so even my grandma can use it. Then let's
make sure it is fast. Only then should be start adding extras. Taking things
slower will also give everyone time to research and develop good ideas that
can be implemented in the future generations.

On 1/23/07, Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa <ildefonso.camargo at>
> Hi!
> I'm really new to this project, I just saw it today.  I would
> contributed with lots of ideas and designs (I'm an electronic
> engineer), but I think I'm a little late.
> I have read, very little, in the list, and I would like to ask this
> questions:
> 1. I don't understand why use a "propietary" GPS daemon, most GPS
> support the NMEA-0183 protocol, which is "text".  I read that you are
> using "Global Locate AGPS", I know why: indoor GPS, and that's great!
> (and usefull), but my question comes: will it provide NMEA-0183
> messages... you know, for us to use gpsdrive or something like that.
> I hate phones wich says to have "GPS", and when you want to see your
> location, you just can't!
> Another question on this: has you seen the GPS modules from navman?,
> like this one:
> (jupiter 32)
> It works indoor, and it supports NMEA-082, which would free us from
> "propietary" whatever.
> 2. Why does the phone doesn't include a camera?  I would use some
> "camera-on-chip" from OmniVision (, or Micron
> (  They seem fairly easy to use.  I have already
> contacted OmniVision just to see if they have any problem with us
> implementing the "interface" in an open source project.  I would like
> to see this thing, not with any camera, but with at least 1.3Mpixels,
> I have seen the "nokia 6265", with its 2Mpixels camera, and it's
> great... but it is REALLY slow when it comes to micro-SD memory
> access.
> 3. Ok, I will grant the "wifi" issue to "low power"... but, why not
> EDGE?, why just GPRS?... I think I know the answer: price, but: is the
> difference so large?.
> Anyway, I followed a previous "open source" hardware device, which
> finally died (agenda VR3), and it died because they ignored a lot of
> "features" that they could add (in the case of the agenda, the
> USB-host, or memory expansion port).
> About WiFi...... I'll investigate, because I wouldn't mind my phone
> "eating" the battery like a hungry beast, but only "when" I enable the
> WiFi, but you need to be able to disable it.  Another option would be
> USB-host.... but that's just too much for a phone (I think).... mmm ,
> one could use some "micro" connector and a cable.... no.. .never mind.
> I'm really happy to see this project emerging, I hope it is a success,
> c-ya!
> Ildefonso Camargo
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