Free This Mailing List! (was Re: GNU discussion (was re:Free your phone))

Declan Naughton piratepenguin at
Wed Jan 24 20:03:22 CET 2007

On 1/24/07, David Schlesinger <david.schlesinger at> wrote:
> On 1/24/07 10:20 AM, "Declan Naughton" <piratepenguin at> wrote:
> >
> > As far as I am aware, OpenMoko is not using the GNU/CMU Mach kernel..
> No, they're certainly not. However, "GNU" _is_ and they're failing to give
> appropriate credit to the "principal developer" of their system. So on what
> basis are you demanding that OpenMoko give credit to GNU when GNU refuses to
> give credit to Mach...? As I've said, that's nothing more than self-serving
> hypocrisy.

Where did I, or anybody else, DEMAND that OpenMoko give credit to GNU?

> So on what
> basis are you demanding that OpenMoko give credit to GNU when GNU refuses to
> give credit to Mach...?

GNU refuse to give credit to Mach? They only call the microkernel GNU *MACH*!

Nevertheless, two wrongs don't make a right. I'm sure GNU will be
getting credit anyhow, the question is when we explain what OpenMoko
is based on, how much we tell about it's
not-all-done-by-the-Linux-guys (and GNU guys, I know) history.

Declan Naughton

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